Ask any businessman or businesswoman about how important reputation is, and they are all going to answer the same thing: it?s the single most important thing which can make the difference between success and complete failure. That goes double for those who plan to take their business online, because unlike in the physical world, nothing is hardly ever forgotten on the internet? in other words, it takes a lot of effort to make the negative information which has been posted go away. The good news is that online business owners no longer need to helplessly put up with their competitor?s smear campaigns thanks to the advent of online reputation management services.
One of the few companies which has managed to build a good reputation for itself in this business (contrary to some companies, which is actually very ironic) is called Reputation Champ. But how exactly do they differentiate themselves from the competition Well, for starters, they use a two-pronged approach to fixing one?s online reputation by promoting positive content; in other words, it improves the user?s reputation all while slowly killing off the negativity about them.
Reputation Management Service
Another aspect which sets them apart are the online reputation monitoring service they offer. What exactly does it offer its users Well, when negative content appears about someone, it is more often than not in the form of some derogatory comment? with most, if not all of those comments being bogus? a typical smear tactic The reputation management service tracks all comments made about a user on Google Places, Yahoo Local, Yelp, Citysearch, Local.com, Kudzu, Judy?s Book, Yellow Pages, Insider Pages, Switchboard, Yellowbook and Dexknows. As if that wasn?t enough, they also offer customer complaint and review websites such as Ripoff Report, Pissed Consumer, Complaints.com, MeasuredUp and My3Cents. Needless to say, a bad review on any of these sites can be extremely damaging to anyone?s business; it is simply imperative to keep track of them.
Social Media Tracking
In addition to regular websites it is also very important to keep track of what?s being said on social media websites, which is precisely what Reputation Champ?s social media tracking online dashboard is for. Other than the fact that users get to benefit from a free 10-day trial for their tool, it should be said that their service is indeed powerful as it is capable of monitoring what is being said on major social networks not only about a business owner, but also his or her competitors. They monitor literally hundreds of websites for their clients, including Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Reddit, Delicious, Flickr, Youtube, Vimeo, and countless more, not to mention that they also keep track of news websites and blogs, such as the Huffington Post, Blogger.com and Blogspot.com.
Reputation Champ provides a few other services which are well worth having a look at, especially in today?s overly aggressive and competitive market; anyone can head on over to their website and gloss over their services it doesn?t cost a dime.
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