Saturday, October 13, 2012

Importance of Keyword For Article Marketing | Downgraf - Design ...

Keyword has become the latest and cost effective trend for online promotion in this internet marketing world. Today, keyword oriented article marketing is the new marketing pattern which is being used extensively by marketers for popularity and ranking of a website. Link building, SEO ranking and target traffic are some of the importance of keyword oriented article marketing that a marketer seeks on internet to generate traffic. Thus article would discuss importance of keyword for article marketing.

SEO benefit

SEO benefit is the main key aspect for article marketing as the ranking of business is decided by search engine. Keywords in article increase the possibility to gain high ranking in major universal search engines. Keywords are the term that people frequently use to search on internet, so a different subject has different set of keywords on world wide web.


Increase traffic

Keywords used in article increases traffic for a website as people searches specific topic to gather information from article directories and through this process they type some set of words, search engine indexes the particular article of? website that contains searched keyword .Keywords also determines that how much visitors have come for keywords and what they are looking for. So, a marketer makes appropriate article marketing?? campaign for users that help for? traffic generation.


Link building

Using keywords in article marketing are the best way to create link for a website. Links have changes the world of internet and the way we used to gather information. Users always prefer to gather information from quality article and if they find article useful for them, they must share the links on website and they also? go to the related link on other webpage. Quality article becomes? a rich source to get quality links for online business.


Get targeted customers

Keywords used in article helps to get target users for a website. Specific group of? people type keyword phrases in search engines or article directories and gets keyword oriented result in form of article. For instance a user has typed ?home decoration ideas? and other user? is looking for ?home decoration tips? and search engine will search the title and body of the article that contains these words and would gather information, in this way a marketer can measure target group who are looking for same information.


Good for market strategy

Today, using keyword phrases in article? is wonderful for marketing strategy. Many businesses that are doing article marketing use this method to get target market. Keywords are provided in text format in article in title , first paragraph and body tag, search engine search these keywords and gives result when searched by visitors. So, putting product features, product USP availability and marketing criteria in article can bring high web presence for online business.


Cost effective

Keywords are the best ways for article marketing that is cost effective and target group oriented. For instance,? if an article will describe about electronic equipment, then keywords would be like; features, importance, convenience and price. Keyword oriented article is being used by marketers in today?s marketing world as other mode of marketing? don?t reach easily to the target groups.


Effective for contextual advertising

Keyword research is? useful? for contextual? advertising campaign. First of all, make sure about bidding for a keyword that target customers to search product.? Contextual? advertising is totally based on keyword research as ads are based on keyword oriented text, so users make aware about new business when they get to know? information about ads related with text.


Ranking of a website

Keywords are the main factor to increase ranking of website, as search engine easily crawls the keywords of article and shows websites in priority lists of search engine result pages. keywords research process give data of target customers like, what target customers are looking for and where they want to go on web page for further search, this helps to make better keyword oriented? marketing strategy for article marketing , and this? leads to high ranking of a website.


Optimize website

Keyword works like backbone for article marketing, as most of the searches are based on keyword on world wide web. So, using keywords for article marketing is wonderful trend of marketing to get ranking and traffic for a website. Keyword give chance to optimize the website as a specific set of keywords have been defined for specific subject, so a website can be customized by using valuable keywords to drive attention of maximum target group by article marketing.


Get quick information

Keywords help to get quick information on web pages. The information becomes specialized in article directories and article submission becomes target group oriented, so when keyword are typed by users, search engines indexes to those webpage that carries relevant keywords in article, and that too in less time.



Keywords oriented content is the modern trend of marketing which is being used for article marketing. Article marketing helps to build quality link and generates traffic for online business. Above described article has discussed importance of keyword for article marketing. Users are welcome to give their views on this topic.

Editor?s note: Contributor?Ajeet Yadav is an expert commentator who?s allied with SeoSemanticXhtml, which is a sister concern of Ipraxa ? a web agency that?s created its niche in providing high end PSD to HTML Conversion and Integration with third party applications such as PSD to Magento, WordPress, Drupal, Joomla etc.


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