Monday, October 15, 2012

European Union to impose new sanctions to prevent Irans production of nuke weapon

Britain News.Net Monday 15th October, 2012

The European Union is planning to impose a new round of sanctions on Iran to prevent the country's production of a nuclear weapon, says a report.

Sources close to the matter revealed that the EU members meeting in Luxembourg would rubber stamp a "tough package" of sanctions designed to hit Iran's gas, banking and shipping sectors.

The new measures will include a ban on all dealings between European and Iranian banks above a "relatively low" threshold, the Telegraph reports.

According to the paper, on the eve of the meeting, Guido Westerwelle, Germany's Foreign Minister, set a defiant tone, insisting that Europe must send a "clear signal to Tehran" that it will not tolerate its nuclear armament.

Westerwelle's statement disclosed a resolve among EU member states frustrated by Iran's uranium enrichment programme, which continues in the face of threatened military strikes and tightening economic sanctions. (ANI)


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