Sunday, November 4, 2012

Seeking Players for The Feeding Frenzy

The Feeding Frenzy


Every Halloween, a town somewhere in the world gets chosen to become the buffet for a group of demons and vampires. On this night, they separate their differences and come together to feast on flesh and blood of mortals as the moon stays in the sky for three long nights. No one understands why, and no one can figure out exactly what happened; because no one is left alive to tell the tale, and the ones who do survive are now apart of these terrifying murderers.

Redwood, Maine. A large town hidden in the deep forests of Maine, away from other large cities and near the coast where the dark ocean beats against rocky coastlines. This town has been chosen as the next banquet for these vicious creatures of the night. As the clock strikes 12, the feeding frenzy will begin. The survivors are younger women and men that will be lined up, and only four will be chosen to remain alive and join the group when the feeding frenzy ends, a fate some consider worse then death. As demons feed off flesh and bone, and vampires suck the rest of the blood from lifeless bodies, the town's hope for any survivors making it out alive grows slimmer. But these four kids are determined to save themselves, and any others left alive.

But can they outsmart the leaders of these groups, and escape in time to get help and warn the world? Or will they fail and become creatures of the nights themselves?

Will they survive the Feeding Frenzy?


Should be pretty clear, lovelies. Four kids have survived the attack of a demonic and vampire group that is mixed, but do have different leaders. They have been chosen to become part of the group when the frenzy has come to an end, which gives them limited time to come up with an escape plan. It will be an adult roleplay; since it has quite a bit of blood and horrific description in it. It might have hidden sexual scenes that aren't showed in detail, but hinted at for the story's sake. But it will not be presented unless you want to do that in pm.


Must be at least one male for each side. So, there must be at least one male leader for the vampire and the demon.

Vampire Leader; Reserved
Vampire Leader 2; Reserved

Demon Leader; Ragnar Odovacar played by TraitorsHand
Demon Leader 2; Open

Human Kids;

Female # 1: Regina Merzone played by DarlingRapture
Female # 2: Carsin Delahou played by Echo_Rose

Male # 1: Open
Male # 2: Open

Roles that can be added;

Vampire # 1: Open
Vampire # 2: Open

Demon # 1: Open
Demon # 2: Open

Character Sheets;

Code: Select all
[b]Basic Information;[/b]

[size=150]"Your character's favorite or personal quote here."[/size]
[b]Name:[/b] First and last
[b]Age:[/b] Teenagers must be between 16-19.
[b]Race:[/b] Human
[b]Ethnicity:[/b] Caucasian, Asian, ect.
[b]Role:[/b] Are you a human? A demon? A vampire?
[b]Orientation:[/b] Bisexual? Gay?
[b]Status:[/b] Who is your companion
[b]Best Feature:[/b] What makes them so special?


A picture here. Anime or real, though I prefer good drawings or real life. Need help finding one? Come to me.

A paragraph describing your character. Include hair color, skin color, eye color, height, weight, body build, fashion sense, makeup use, ect. Must be at LEAST 5 sentences long. I am more likely to accept your character sheet if it has quite a bit of detail.

[b]Personality; [/b]

Describe your character's personality here. Include how they usually are, what they act like when they are sad or angry, include things they enjoy doing and things that irritate them, all that stuff. Everything about them is important. This paragraph must be at least 6 lines in order to be accepted.

[b]Likes;[/b] At least 5

[b]Dislikes;[/b] At least 5

[b]Hobbies;[/b] At least 5


Here, type a summary of your character's past. A childhood event, some events that make them who they are, anything that stands out and gives more insight on their back story. This must be at least 6 lines.


If you have anything you want to add, here would be where to put it. Theme song, ect. You can put a few other pictures and gifs in the profile. Just don't over do it.

That's basically the entire introduction for anyone who is interested. Right now, we need another demonic leader and two human males. <3 If you are interested, please post Here or contact me.


evan longoria john edwards conocophillips capitals guy fieri ryan braun bryce harper

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