Wednesday, December 5, 2012

How to properly use the night cream experience Big Secret | Health ...

Night cream is for the night, damaged skin during the day and night conditioning repair skin care products. Its use, there are several to note.

TIPS1: not everyone need Night Cream
The skin of young, the new supersedes the old. An can provide basic moisturizing, it is not necessary to use cream.If the skin showed a dry, dull, aging, the new supersedes the old. Slow down, and even the emergence of elastic variational problems, to skin the best time, give the needed moisture and nutrition.

TIPS2: isn?t always need Night Cream
1. skin oil secretion to too many people, not suitable for use with night cream, night cream or choose fresh type.
2. mixed type skin does not need to use every day cream, or when used to avoid T block.
3. more hot weather or higher temperature without use of nutritional excess Moisturizing Night cream.

TIPS3: care excessive oil supplement
Although the night skin need to add oil, but not excessive.If the term for ?a large amount of? nursing skin, oily skin is very prone to oil excess ?phenomenon of fat particles?.Appear this kind of phenomenon needs to adjust the night use, let the skin to regulate the restoration.In practice, use low-fat cream or the use of a low-fat cream, started the skin may have some tension, a few days later will adapt.

TIPS4: don?t put the mask as a night cream
The mask as a night cream, of course conditions.This kind of product, most marked ?washed?, is not particularly heavy, but also in the moist, clean, has the whitening, anti-wrinkle and other one or two kinds of effect.Night cream mostly to nutrition, nourishing, soothing skin products, and the mask is different, which contain nutrients than the general skin care products would be more abundant, mainly used in skin care.If all night with the mask nourishes the skin, then the excess nutrients will make the skin overwhelmed, light sensitive, heavy loss of resistance, easy acne, speckle.

TIPS5: The best time to Night Cream
Should be washed or cleaned up, until the skin moisturizing dry coat.Because the skin better blood circulation, maintain tasted absorption efficiency is higher.

TIPS6: night cream skin of
If the skin is oily skin, excessive oil secretion can choose fresh type cream; if it is dry skin should choose a high degree of moisture cream; even in the morning as pre-makeup cream to use.

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Tags: night cream, night cream experience, night cream experience Big Secret
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