Monday, October 1, 2012

Adversity Can Teach You Time Management

Adversity Can Teach You Time Management

How well are you managing the time in your business? I know this isn't the most interesting topic in the world, but over the past 2 days, I've noticed something rather interesting. Now that I am back in school, taking 3 college course, I've been able to get more work done, in a lesser amount of time than when I wasn't in school. Not only am I getting things done more quickly, but I also have more time in my day to lounge around.

Prior to school starting up, all I had to do was lift weights and Internet Marketing, which would normally take me an entire day to do.

  • This usually meant writing a couples articles a day.
  • Doing some offsite marketing,
  • And maybe making a video or two.

Now that I'm in school, I'm doing the same amount of work, but finishing in less time.

  • I'm doing Internet Marketing,
  • Lifting weights,
  • And again, am now taking 3 college courses.

Yet, if I look at the clock right now, as I'm writing, it's only 9:37 AM. I've already written a blog post, am working on this article, and my bet is, by 10:30 AM, I'll be completely done with my Internet Marketing work for the day.

Something that usually takes me all day, I've managed to complete in approximately 2.5 hours. From 8:00 AM, which is when I went to the gym, to 10:30 AM, which is when I'm estimated to finish all of my work.

The reason why I'm telling you this is because I've noticed that in times of adversity; In times where it seems like there would be no way for me to get all of my work done, I somehow manage to make it happen. Lately, I've managed to not only make it happen, but I've managed to get more work done more quickly than when I had less work.

  1. Right now, I want you to sit down, and I want you to prioritize.
  2. I want you to setup a time box.
  3. How long should it take you to complete each task?
  4. If you were on a time crunch, could you complete a task that much more quickly?

If you're like me, you will find a way to complete more work in less time. Had I known this back in the summer, I would have enjoyed it that much more, by putting myself out there. Now that I know what I know, I don't see myself ever going back to the way things were before.


rampart jimmy fallon jimmy fallon nick collins dave matthews ambien wwdc

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