Thursday, July 19, 2012

7 Ways to Easily Grow your Wellness Business |

amazing customer service tipsOne of the most authentic ways to grow your wellness business is to consistently provide amazing customer service. One of my favorite books on this topic is ?Raving Fans? by Ken Blanchard. The first time I read it, I realized that a former customer is never a DEAD customer! Just one who could become a returning customer one day.

In today?s world, competition is tougher than ever. If you can?t provide products or services when someone wants them, and of the quality they expect, there are four or five other companies ready to fill that void. You rarely get a second chance once you drop the ball. Statistics show that customers give their repeat business to companies that provide top notch customer service, and this shows in the success and prominence of the businesses that excel in service.

Let?s look at 7 ways to provide amazing customer service:

1 ? Let customers know you are listening to what they want.

Michal Hogan and I just presented a webinar series for nutrition professionals called ?Food Sensitivity Series ? A Practicum.? Part of offering this program for continuing education units for registered dietitians, we require that each participant complete a satisfaction survey. From that survey, we have learned how to improve on the next one. By this one little act, we were able to let participants know that their opinions mattered to us.

2 ? Exceed expectations every time.

Now, this is hard, but that?s why you want to get input from people so you can improve! Sure, you want to know what went well/what they liked about a product or service, but you also want to know what they did NOT like! And people WILL tell you! By doing so, you will develop a high level of trust. In, according to Hannabarger, Buchman and Economy, a high level of trust is one of the four key elements of good customer service. In fact, everything written on customer service points this out.

3 ? Correct problems when customers are unhappy.

Although people often return to buy my products over and over again, and I hear from many happy customers, I?ve still had it happen where someone contacts me about a product, saying it wasn?t what they expected. Do I ignore it and say, tough luck? Definitely not! It is extremely important to me that my customers are happy! And I want to know what I can do to make it so.

Again, people mostly want to know you are listening to them and care about how they feel. It?s not unlike if you were to go to a restaurant and when you received your food, something wasn?t right. The restaurant that tells you too bad is one you will not return to. But the one that fixes the problem and then goes the next step to provide your meal for free will definitely be one you?ll go back to. Your business is no different.

It is pointed out over and over again that it costs more to get NEW clients than to keep old ones. And if keeping old clients is as simple as listening to them and caring enough to correct a problem, then why would you NOT correct that problem?

4 ? Believe that the customer is always right.

It doesn?t matter if a customer didn?t read a product description and then comes to you and says they didn?t want what they just purchased. Make them right!

It doesn?t matter if a customer didn?t follow directions about something you offered. Make them right!

By making the customer right all the time, you are showing respect, and you are showing them that you value their patronage. Guy Kawasaki calls it taking responsibility for your shortcomings. You will always learn something from these mistakes your customers made when they bought something from you.

5 ? Create systems to implement amazing customer service.

What does systems and customer service have to do with each other? Well, let?s say someone purchases something from you. You need a system of staying in touch with them and letting them know you appreciate them, even AFTER that purchase. Not just so you can sell them something else, but to show that you are thinking of them. People know if all you?re after is to sell them something. Part of that system might be to create a series of autoresponders, since we don?t want you trying to personally stay in touch with everyone who buys something from you!

An example of this is that before I read ?Raving Fans,? when I was done working with a personal training client, I didn?t think of them more than just as a good memory. Afterwards, however, I put them on my mailing list and would continue to send them birthday cards and holiday cards, just to stay in touch. This made them feel I really DID care about them, which, naturally, I did; I just didn?t realize I wasn?t showing it.

6 ? Always be learning about great customer service.

As I write this article, I am reminded that it?s time to read my ?Raving Fans? book, again! It?s an easy read and can produce amazing new results for my clients! Always be learning how you can improve on your own customer service. There are tons of articles and blogs on the subject.

7 ? Answer your phone!

People are all caught up in technology today. Email, text messages, social media, etc. But more than just once, someone has stopped to CALL me! And every time I?m in my office and my phone rings (and it does NOT say ?toll free?) I answer! You?d be surprised how pleased people are when they catch me on the phone, and it creates an instant connection.

If you are offering a service, do NOT be afraid of answering your phone and talking to potential clients! When you offer a service, people need to know you, like you and trust you. And often the personal touch will go a much longer way to that than just an email or discussion on LinkedIn.

You may have an amazing service for your wellness clients. Or an incredible product that everyone in your ideal client base could use. And you may be seeing some sales or growth in a demand for your services. BUT, if you don?t incorporate amazing customer service as a standard of your business, you won?t see the growth that you dream of, so you can not only have amazing success but be able to make a difference in the health of more people around the world!

Start your education now, and let me know what YOU do about great customer service!

MEG Enterprises, Inc.

Do you have your systems in place? Do you know how to create a plan for great customer service? Do you even HAVE a plan for how you will grow your business? If you said no to any of these questions, you should check out our services to see if one is right for you by clicking here.


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