Monday, June 17, 2013

Death toll in SW Pakistan attacks increases to 24

QUETTA, Pakistan (AP) ? Pakistani police say the death toll from attacks on a hospital and a women's university bus in a southwestern provincial capital has increased to 24.

Senior police officer Fayaz Sumbal said Sunday that a doctor and two nurses who were critically wounded in the suicide attack on the Bolan Medical complex in the city of Quetta died overnight.

In the first of Saturday's attacks in Quetta, a blast ripped through a bus carrying female students, killing 14.

When the victims were taken to the nearby hospital, a suicide bomber struck killing three plus the three who died later. Other attackers captured parts of the complex, triggering a siege by security forces in which four paramilitaries also died.

The radical Lashkar-e-Jhangvi group claimed responsibility for the attacks. Six attackers also died.


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