Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Celebrating Our Non Political Heroes Lastupdate:- Tue, 28 May ...

Carlyle has famously argued that it is heroes that make destiny of nations. Applying this insight to our situation may be difficult. For most Kashmiris, we have hardly any heroes, at least in last few centuries. However, leaving politics aside we do come across some great leaders in administration or academics whose contribution we need to recognize. But unfortunately we, as a community, are more critics than admirers or sympathetic observers. We generally dont award great souls except cultural or literary figures, other important personalities go unrecognized. I suggest civil society should institute some awards and not leave to governments only to occasionally recognize contribution of some great souls.
Today I recall three great souls who have played key role in the development of sheep sector in our State. The first is Dr Banday whose contribution was so phenomenal that even the Centre had to take notice and confer upon him Padam Shri. The second was his successor and associate whom he groomed - Dr G.N. Wani. The third one groomed by Dr Wani is the just retired Dr Javid Ahmad Khan whose contribution will be appreciated in the times to come. I today briefly discuss the last one of this trinity.
Dr Khan is recognized as the architect of modern sheep husbandry. As an illustrious heir of Dr Wani he has been instrumental in shaping the policies, schemes and plans that sheep husbandry department is currently pursuing. Himself holding a Masters Degree in veterinary sciences he has been amongst the most tech-savvy directors of last two decades.? He has played important role in popularization of RKVY scheme, orienting it in such a way as to suit traditional ethos. Appropriating the concept of aadij in which people gave animals but retained ownership and part of produce he has been able to see the fruit of his great work in the form of enormous popularity of the scheme as the phase of retrieval has already begun and people are heartily cooperating. This move shall one day sustain the department independently as the Department shall be able to own and distribute thousands of animals to interested farmers and in the process boost local economy and create jobs. He has been instrumental in attracting and sustaining the interest of entrepreneurs for large scale modernization and development of sheep industry. It is thanks to these efforts that we shall soon see sheep based production and marketing companies. Now sheep industry is no longer exclusively restricted to the poor sections of society and we are in a position to invest good capital for the development of the sector. Dr Khan patronized some budding entrepreneurs which, I think, has the potential to transform the whole sector on modern lines. Dr Khan has been playing pivotal role in revitalizing the department on almost all fronts. The only sector he couldnt heavily contribute to is revitalizing government breeding farms. Perhaps he had too short a stay for achieving it; though it must be noted that he had planned importation of new livestock from foreign countries to boost the farms and initiate new hitherto unprecedented innovations. It is hoped that the new directors shall continue to pursue this important point that has been a long standing demand of people.? It is under the patronage of Dr Khan that key publications including periodical newsletter, Sheep Breeders Manual, Periodical Magazine and research journal Kashmir Veterinary Journal were published. He has thus been able to bridge the gap between SKUAST-K and development department. It is thanks to him that the Department has revived seminar culture and many seminars have already been organized. He had long term dream for the development of the sector. Without necessarily condoning every administrative move (on a few of which there could be different opinions) we must gratefully acknowledge multiple contributions of Dr Khan. As the last great embodiment of the legacy of the founding fathers - Dr Banday and Dr Wani - he even went much beyond them by adapting their vision according to the latest challenges. It is only now a matter of time that we will have modernized sheep sector earning huge revenue for the State, new breeds that will be giving at least two lambs a year, elite ram farms for exporting germplasm to neighboring countries in great numbers, Qurbani/mutton banks etc. All these will be materialized thanks to foundation laid by Dr Khan. Dr Khan stood upon the shoulders of previous giants and other preceding directors from whom he absorbed the best. It is partly thanks to him that our field animals are able to replace elite rams for Australia that cost us around 50,000/animals four decades back. What a contribution that amounts to injecting millions of dollars into economy annually.? The fact that the government has already prioritized livestock sector is partly recognition of the efforts of our administrators.
One dream of development departments is still unrealized and that is establishment of a Veterinary University for support in research inputs. Much of the potential of livestock sector is still unrealized and it is only investment in research that can make up the difference.? The success story of development of crossbreeding programs and popularization of sheep farming are perhaps the first option as many new entrepreneurs call for huge research support through proposed Sheikhul Alam University of Animal Sciences.
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Lastupdate on : Mon, 27 May 2013 21:30:00 Makkah time
Lastupdate on : Mon, 27 May 2013 18:30:00 GMT
Lastupdate on : Tue, 28 May 2013 00:00:00 IST


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