Saturday, June 29, 2013

Samsung GALAXY S4 & HTC One: Custom ROMs zum Umwandeln in Google Play Edition verf?gbar [Download]

Von den beiden Google Play Edition Modellen Samsung GALAXY S4 und HTC One ist die Firmware ja bereits erh?ltlich und zum Download bereitgestellt worden. Es war auch sehr schnell klar, das auf Basis dieser Firmware die ersten Custom ROM's programmiert werden. Und diese haben wirklich nicht lange auf sich warten lassen, sowohl f?r das Samsung GALAXY S4 als auch das HTC One sind nun Custom ROM's verf?gbar, die die beiden Modelle in Google Play Editionen umwandeln.

Das ging wirklich schnell. F?r das Samsung GALAXY S4 und das HTC One gibt es jetzt die ersten Custom ROM's, die euer Smartphone in die jeweilige Google Play Edition "umwandeln". W?hrend es f?r das HTC One nur eine ordentliche Custom ROM zu geben scheint, soll es f?r das GALAXY S4 gleich drei geben, welche man empfehlen kann. Den jeweiligen Download findet ihr wieder am Ende dieses Artikels.

Bei den XDA-Developers gibt es f?r das HTC One ein ROM von bigxie unter Mithilfe von tbalden. Es funktioniert alles bis auf die Z?hlung des mobilen Datentraffics. F?r das Samsung GALAXY S4?haben jene ROM's von m3dd0g, janjan und jamal2367 die besten Kritiken bekommen. Welche davon aber die Beste f?r das GALAXY S4 ist, m?sst ihr entscheiden. Vor dem Flashen der Firmware solltet ihr eure Daten aber sichern, auch muss das HTC One oder GALAXY S4 bereits gerootet sein. Doch das versteht sich ja von selbst. Wer also Interesse daran hat, sein GALAXY S4 oder HTC One in eine Google Play Edition umzuwandeln, der findet die Anleitung und die Downloads nachfolgend. Ich w?rde mich freuen von euch zu h?ren, ob ihr mit dieser Firmware zufrieden seit und ob es noch Probleme gibt.
[Quelle: Androidnext]


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Time Is Ticking for Obama?s Climate Agenda

As President Obama reboots his campaign against climate change, his most formidable obstacle is no longer the coal industry or congressional Republicans. It?s the calendar.

In his first term, Obama sought legislative limits on the carbon emissions associated with global climate change but failed when the Senate shelved the ?cap-and-trade? legislation the House passed in 2009. Obama this week announced he would pursue the same goals, primarily through the Environmental Protection Agency?s regulation of carbon emissions from existing power plants. Those regulations would squeeze the use of coal to generate electricity. Together with existing rules improving automotive fuel economy and other pending EPA standards that effectively bar the construction of coal-fired power plants, the new rules could achieve Obama?s goal of cutting emissions by nearly one-fifth by 2020.

Obama?s announcement is already generating political storms. But for institutional, economic, and political reasons, he has more leverage now than during his first-term legislative failure. The flip side is that because he?s relying on regulatory, not legislative, authority, his decisions will be easier to reverse if he cannot armor-plate them before January 2017, when a Republican could regain the White House. That?s why associates say the president already feels the clock ticking.

With Republicans controlling the House, Obama has even less chance today of attracting enough votes to pass carbon-limiting legislation than he did in 2009. Yet because he is acting through regulation, opponents must amass enough votes to stop him. That gives him the institutional edge. Using the Congressional Review Act, the House would likely pass a resolution blocking the regulation when it?s completed, and a narrow Senate majority might follow. But Obama would inevitably veto such a resolution, and critics are unlikely to reach the two-thirds majorities required to overturn him.

The economic climate for action has also improved. Regulations that discourage coal by limiting carbon would follow the market?s existing current. In 2008, coal generated almost half of U.S. electricity and natural gas just one-fifth. But with low-cost domestic gas production booming through use of hydraulic fracturing (or ?fracking?), utilities in 2012 relied nearly as much on natural gas (30 percent) as coal (37 percent). Although coal has slightly reopened its advantage as gas prices have inched up, the prospect of stable, affordable natural gas to replace coal is diminishing fear that emission limits would spike electricity prices; utility executives also find a transition to gas less jarring than the generational leap to solar or wind many envisaged in 2009. Because of low natural-gas prices, says Jerry Taylor, a senior fellow at the libertarian Cato Institute, ?economically the table is set ... [for] a major move against coal.?

Politically Obama is better positioned for the fight, too. That?s not so much because public opinion has shifted. Comparing 2009 to 2013, Pew Research Center polls show that slightly more adults believe human activity is changing the climate, with gains heaviest among independents, the college-educated, and those under 50. Polls, however, show that most Americans don?t prioritize carbon reductions and remain leery of price rises. In terms of overall opinion, one senior White House official acknowledges, ?this is a tough slog.?

What?s changed politically since 2009 is that Obama?s reelection demonstrated Democrats could sustain a presidential majority despite unprecedented energy-industry spending against them. Resource-dependent states that generate the most carbon per dollar of economic output will probably erupt most over further EPA regulation. But in presidential races, Democrats can survive that hit: 17 of the 20 most carbon-intensive states (according to federal figures) voted for Mitt Romney in 2012, while 18 of the 20 least carbon-intensive backed Obama. The 14 Democratic senators from the most carbon-intensive states will face greater risk, but some would reduce their exposure by opposing any EPA regulation.

Obama?s key test may be finalizing the rule before he leaves office. EPA missed its deadline for regulating new-plant emissions and could need two years to complete standards for existing facilities. Then it must wait months more for states to submit plans for implementing it?which many red states may refuse to do. (The law allows EPA to step in.) That leaves Obama with little time to spare, especially since the rule will inevitably face legal challenges.

A Republican president could more easily sidetrack an uncompleted rule (as George W. Bush did with Bill Clinton?s unfinished work on mercury pollution). But if Obama finishes the EPA regulation, his successor would need a formal rulemaking to undo it?no easy task. A GOP president might find it tough even to stop legally defending a completed regulation, because blue states and environmentalists would intervene to defend it, notes Natural Resources Defense Council Climate Director Daniel Lashof. Most important, Lashof says, once the rule is done, utilities will make investments based on it that ?create a momentum that ? becomes increasingly difficult? to reverse. As with health care, Obama?s best chance of ensuring that his climate priorities outlast him is to move quickly to create facts on the ground.


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Minister says Iraq isn't heading to civil war

UNITED NATIONS (AP) ? Iraq's foreign minister says the deadliest and most sustained wave of violence to hit the country since 2008 won't lead to civil war.

Hoshyar Zebari said in an interview with The Associated Press that Iraqis have been close to civil war in the past "and there is no winner, so everybody is pushing the envelope to the limit, but not pushing it over the edge."

More than 2,000 people have been killed in bombings and other violent attacks in Iraq since the start of April, raising fears the nation is returning to the widespread sectarian-charged bloodshed that pushed it to the brink of civil war in 2006 and 2007.

Zebari insisted that a decade after the U.S.-led invasion toppled Saddam Hussein in 2003, Iraq is far better off than countries emerging from the Arab spring that are struggling to find a new system of government, build institutions and write constitutions.

"Iraq is not crashing," Zebari said. "The crisis is manageable." He spoke to AP Thursday after addressing the U.N. Security Council.

Zebari said one reason he doesn't think Iraq will go "over the edge" into civil war is the success of recent local elections, where Iraqis "voted conscientiously" and "there has been major, major changes."

Next year, Iraq will hold a general election that could change parliament and the government, now led by Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.

"You will see the next election would be the most significant elections in the new Iraq," Zebari said. "There will be new alliances. The old alliances have crumbled, and there could be cross-sectarian, cross-ethnic alliances."

He also pointed to Iraq's extremely good economic performance that has significantly raised per capita income.

Last year Iraq became the second-largest oil producer in the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, and is now churning out more than 3 million barrels of crude a day. The World Bank expects Iraq's economy to grow by 9 percent this year, compared with just over 2 percent for the overall global economy.

"The country is really enjoying an economic boom with investment, with oil companies, with diplomatic representation. What is lacks is really political stability, because as long as you have political discord and division, it would be reflected immediately on the security," he said.

Zebari said the Syrian conflict is also having an impact on Iraq and other neighboring countries, and he urged all countries to support the fight against terrorism, which he called "an international menace."

He said Iraq has been communicating with both sides to try to help end the two-year conflict that has killed more than 93,000 people, "but in an armed conflict preaching doesn't help."

Zebari blamed the paralysis in the deeply divided U.N. Security Council for turning the Syrian conflict into a type of "proxy war, an attrition war that could be dragged on for a long time."

He said Iraq doesn't support any "militarization" of the Syrian conflict, pointing to its inspection of some Iranian flights bound for Syria for arms and its recent halt to all Iraqi flights headed to Damascus to keep volunteers heading to the war from taking advantage of Iraqi transport.

Iraq is also concerned that arms destined for the rebels in Syria ? from the United States and elsewhere ? might make their way to Iraqi militants, he said.

The Iraq-Syria border even before the conflict was "troubled" and the Americans helped build trenches to enhance border security, Zebari said. "But still they are quite open for movement of terrorist groups, or weapons," though Iraqi forces on occasion carry out operations to prevent militant groups from operating in the country.

Zebari flew to New York from Geneva, where he was involved in talks with senior officials from the U.S., Russia and the U.N. on preparations for an international conference that aims to get the Syrian government and the opposition to agree on a transitional government that would prepare for democratic elections.

The conference has been delayed by an upsurge in fighting that has given the government the upper hand, and the opposition's refusal to attend until it gets more arms and regains the initiative. Zebari said "it's not easy" to organize the conference, citing differences on its purpose and problems with unifying the opposition.

The Syrian opposition should have better unified its vision and expelled extremists, he said, "but one should not blame them at the same time for all the failure."

"What the regime is doing is absolutely unacceptable. Who would have imagined five years, six years ago, a regime to bomb its people, shell residential cities in front of the world?" he said.


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Friday, June 28, 2013

Senate falls short of 70-vote goal on immigration bill

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate's vote passing a broad immigration reform bill fell two votes short of what some of its main backers had said was necessary to pressure the House of Representatives to act.

The Senate voted 68-32 for the bill, giving more than two-thirds support in the 100-member chamber. Earlier, backers said they were pushing to get 70 votes to help sway the more conservative House to consider it.

Republican Senator Charles Grassley of Iowa called the failure to hit 70 votes a strategic setback for proponents. Yet backers insisted that they were happy with 68-32 tally, saying it demonstrated broad bipartisan support, and eight more than the 60 that is traditionally needed to clear procedural roadblocks.

(Reporting By Thomas Ferraro and Richard Cowan; Editing by Sandra Maler)


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Troy Vincent

During the week of the NFL?s Rookie Symposium, where life lessons are taught to the incoming class of rookies, there hasn?t been a shortage of conversation.

But the conversation keeps coming back to one guy, Aaron Hernandez.

Troy Vincent, the NFL?s senior vice president of player engagement, said it?s a topic that?s impossible to avoid.

?You know, there?s this pink elephant in the room .?.?. the Hernandez situation,? Vincent told players, via Rick Maese of the Washington Post. ?The media has every right to ask you a question about that situation. And you have every right not to engage in that conversation. It is what it is. ?

As part of the opening session for NFC rookies Wednesday night, a group of second-year players were on hand to tell the new guys about the transition. But the topic of Hernandez was never far away.

?A lot of people are afraid of the words, ?Oh man, you different,??? Colts tight end Dwayne Allen said. ?You damn right I?m different. You damn right I?m different. I got a lot more money in my pocket, and a lot more sense. That?s the way you got to go about it.

?If you just turn on your TV to ESPN, this is a brotherhood. This is a brotherhood. One of our brothers in trouble right now. It really hurts me, man. But one of our brothers is in trouble right now because he didn?t want to be different. You got to make a choice right now. .?.?.

?You?re not the same dude you was when you grew up. You different now. That doesn?t mean you can?t hang out with your boys, do things you used to do with your boys. You still do those, but you got to be smart about it, smart about your decisions, man.?

At that point the room of rookies fell silent.

With the Hernandez situation unfolding in front of them ? along with former Browns linebacker Ausar Walcott being arrested for attempted murder and Cowboys defensive tackle Josh Brent going back to jail for failing drug tests while awaiting trial for killing a teammate in a drunk driving crash ??the league doesn?t need many words.

They have examples, hopefully too many of them for the point to be missed.


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Thursday, June 27, 2013

China urged to end forced resettlements in Tibet

BEIJING (Reuters) - A human rights group appealed to China on Thursday to end what it called forced "mass rehousing and relocation" of ethnic Tibetans that it said had uprooted more than two million people in the past seven years.

The report, by New York-based Human Rights Watch, said Chinese authorities threw lives into disarray by denying rights to forcibly relocated ethnic Tibetans with insufficient compensation, sub-par housing and lack of help in finding jobs.

"The scale and speed at which the Tibetan rural population is being remodeled by mass rehousing and relocation policies are unprecedented in the post-Mao era," said Human Rights Watch China Director Sophie Richardson.

"Tibetans have no say in the design of policies that are radically altering their way of life, and - in an already highly repressive context - no ways to challenge them."

More than two million Tibetans had been relocated in Tibet since 2006, as well as hundreds of thousands of nomadic herders in the eastern part of the Tibetan plateau such as in Qinghai province, the report said.

The aim of the program, it added, was in part to help economically, but also to combat separatist sentiment "and is designed to strengthen political control over the Tibetan rural population".

Phone calls to the Tibet autonomous region government office seeking comment were not answered.

Violence has flared in Tibet since 1950, when Beijing says it "peacefully liberated" the region. Many Tibetans say Chinese rule has eroded their culture and religion and agitate for the return of their spiritual leader the Dalai Lama, who fled into exile in 1959 after an abortive uprising against Chinese rule.

The Chinese government, which brands the Dalai Lama a dangerous "splittist", denies trampling on Tibetan rights and boasts of having brought prosperity to the region and ending serfdom.

Since 2009, at least 117 Tibetans have committed acts of self-immolation in China in protest against Beijing's policies. More than 90 have died.

But in a possible sign of China loosening some restrictions, authorities in Tibetan-populated areas of Qinghai and Sichuan provinces are allowing monks to openly respect the Dalai Lama as a religious leader, although not as a political figure, Radio Free Asia said.

While the move appears limited to Sichuan and Qinghai, it nevertheless contradicts the long-time Chinese policy of prohibiting veneration of the Dalai Lama, Radio Free Asia said, citing sources who in turn cited official documents introducing the experimental policy.

(Reporting by Terril Yue Jones; Editing by Nick Macfie)


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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Heart failure survivors at greater risk for cancer, study shows

June 25, 2013 ? Heart failure patients are surviving more often with the heart condition but they are increasingly more likely to be diagnosed with cancer, a trend that could be attributed to increased surveillance, side effects of treatments, or other causes, according to a study published online today in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

"Heart failure patients are not only at an increased risk for developing cancer, but the occurrence of cancer increases mortality in these patients," explained Dr. Veronique Roger, MD, director of the Mayo Clinic Center for the Science of Health Care Delivery and co-author of the study. "These findings underscore the importance of cancer surveillance in the management of heart failure patients."

Researchers conducted the study using medical records from the Rochester Epidemiology Project, which links the inpatient and outpatient records from all providers used by the population of Olmsted County, Minn. The study included 596 patients with heart failure paired with the same number of similar healthy subjects.

The study looked at two 11-year time periods. Patients diagnosed with heart failure between 1979 and 1990 had a 48 percent increased risk of cancer, while patients diagnosed between 1991 and 2002 had an 86 percent increased risk. Roger and colleagues suggest several possible causes for the increased risk of cancer in heart failure patients, including side effects of cardiovascular treatments, or stress from illness or other mechanisms associated with the physiology of heart failure such as inflammation.

Investigators stress the importance of the findings in the treatment and management of heart failure, concluding patients should be monitored closely for signs of cancer.

"These findings also illustrate the importance of multi-morbidity among patients living with chronic diseases and support the concept of providing holistic rather than disease-based care," the authors said.

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Hortonworks Raises $50M For Expansion And Development In Growing Hadoop Oriented Data Analytics Market

hortonworks1Hortonworks announced on its blog this morning that it has raised $50 million in new financing to accelerate the growth and development of its Hadoop distribution for data analytics and the application in operations and transaction-based systems. The investment was led by new investors Tenaya Capital and Dragoneer Investment Group, with participation from existing investors Benchmark Capital, Index Ventures and Yahoo!


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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

LG Optimus G2 appears in leaked slides

LG Optimus G2

A Wild LG Optimus G2 appears; uses dual-buttons. It's super-effective!

If you weren't pretty sure we are about to see the LG Optimus G2 in New York on August 7, you haven't been paying close attention. That's OK, rumors fly around and they can be hard to keep track of, but usually pictures make it easier. Thanks to habitual leaker @evleaks, we now have a few.

Nothing that confirms or denies the expected specs of a Snapdragon S800 processor and 1080p HD display, but LG and Qualcomm pretty much let that out of the bag a week or so ago.

What is interesting is that the mystery buttons on the back of the device are shown in these pictures, along with a slide that leads us to believe they will be tied to the volume setting. We'll likely know all there is to know in a little over a week, but for now we can look at the images and speculate. Hit the break to see the rest.

Source: @evleaks

read more



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Mobile Advertising Ecosystem Infographic - Business Insider

We are in the post-PC era, and soon billions of consumers will be carrying around Internet-connected mobile devices for up to 16 hours a day.?Mobile audiences have exploded as a result.

So, mobile advertising should be a bonanza, right? Not exactly. It has been a bit slow off the ground, and its growth trajectory is not clear cut. Part of the reason is that the mobile ad ecosystem is not as strictly delineated as the desktop ecosystem.?In mobile advertising, the rules of the road change with different combinations of device, wireless operator, and operating system.

In a recent report from?BI?Intelligence?on, we?explain the complexities and fractures of the ecosystem. We specifically examine the central and dynamic roles played by mobile ad networks, demand side platforms, mobile ad exchanges, real-time bidding, agencies, brands, and new companies hoping to upend the traditional banner ad.

Access The Full Report And Data By Signing Up For A Free Trial Today >>

Take look at this infographic from our report:

Mobile lacks the technical consensus that enables ad targeting, delivery, and measurement to work fairly seamlessly across the desktop world.?As the mobile ad industry matures it will likely become more streamlined and simple, but for now there are innumerable actors interacting with one another and attempting to find a niche.

Here's an overview of some of the major players in the ecosystem:

To access BI Intelligence's full report on The Mobile Advertising Ecosystem, sign up for a free trial subscription here.


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Going to synagogue is good for health and happiness, Baylor researcher finds

Going to synagogue is good for health and happiness, Baylor researcher finds [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 24-Jun-2013
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Contact: Terry Goodrich
Baylor University

Two new Baylor University studies show that Israeli Jewish adults who attend synagogue regularly, pray often, and consider themselves religious are significantly healthier and happier than their non-religious counterparts. They also report greater satisfaction with life.

"These findings nicely reinforce the inherited Jewish folk wisdom that going to shul (synagogue) is 'good for you,'" said Baylor University researcher Jeff Levin, Ph.D.

Levin holds a distinguished chair at Baylor University, where he is University Professor of Epidemiology and Population Health and Director of the Program on Religion and Population Health at the Institute for Studies of Religion.

Commitment to Jewish religious belief and practice is strongly associated with greater physical and psychological well-being, Levin said. One study, published in Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, an official journal of the American Psychological Association, used 2010 data on 1,849 Jewish adults from the Israeli sample of the European Social Survey. The other study, published in the Journal of Happiness Studies, used 2009-10 data on 991 Jewish adults from the Israeli sample of the International Social Survey Programme's Religion III survey.

These new results confirm findings from other studies of Jews in Israel and the U.S. conducted over the past few years. Seven such studies have been published by Levin using data from a variety of national and global surveys. They have consistently identified facets of Jewish religious expression as among the most reliable predictors of measures of physical and mental health and overall well-being.


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Going to synagogue is good for health and happiness, Baylor researcher finds [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 24-Jun-2013
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Contact: Terry Goodrich
Baylor University

Two new Baylor University studies show that Israeli Jewish adults who attend synagogue regularly, pray often, and consider themselves religious are significantly healthier and happier than their non-religious counterparts. They also report greater satisfaction with life.

"These findings nicely reinforce the inherited Jewish folk wisdom that going to shul (synagogue) is 'good for you,'" said Baylor University researcher Jeff Levin, Ph.D.

Levin holds a distinguished chair at Baylor University, where he is University Professor of Epidemiology and Population Health and Director of the Program on Religion and Population Health at the Institute for Studies of Religion.

Commitment to Jewish religious belief and practice is strongly associated with greater physical and psychological well-being, Levin said. One study, published in Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, an official journal of the American Psychological Association, used 2010 data on 1,849 Jewish adults from the Israeli sample of the European Social Survey. The other study, published in the Journal of Happiness Studies, used 2009-10 data on 991 Jewish adults from the Israeli sample of the International Social Survey Programme's Religion III survey.

These new results confirm findings from other studies of Jews in Israel and the U.S. conducted over the past few years. Seven such studies have been published by Levin using data from a variety of national and global surveys. They have consistently identified facets of Jewish religious expression as among the most reliable predictors of measures of physical and mental health and overall well-being.


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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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Monday, June 24, 2013

Programacion variada ? The First Techniques In Your Self Help Trip

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House investigators: Disability judges are too lax

FILE - In this Friday, Jan. 11, 2013 file photo, the Social Security Administration's main campus is seen in Woodlawn, Md. U.S. House investigators say Social Security is approving state-rejected claims for disability benefits at strikingly high rates for people who might not deserve them. Compounding the problem, the agency often fails to do required follow-up reviews to make sure people still qualify for benefits months or years later. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky, File)

FILE - In this Friday, Jan. 11, 2013 file photo, the Social Security Administration's main campus is seen in Woodlawn, Md. U.S. House investigators say Social Security is approving state-rejected claims for disability benefits at strikingly high rates for people who might not deserve them. Compounding the problem, the agency often fails to do required follow-up reviews to make sure people still qualify for benefits months or years later. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky, File)

(AP) ? Social Security is approving disability benefits at strikingly high rates for people whose claims were rejected by field offices or state agencies, according to House investigators. Compounding the situation, the agency often fails to do required follow-up reviews months or years later to make sure people are still disabled.

Claims for benefits have increased by 25 percent since 2007, pushing the fund that supports the disability program to the brink of insolvency, which could mean reduced benefits. Social Security officials say the primary driver of the increase is demographic, mainly a surge in baby boomers who are more prone to disability as they age but are not quite old enough to qualify for retirement benefits.

The disability program has been swamped by benefit claims since the recession hit a few years ago. Last year, 3.2 million people applied for Social Security Disability or Supplemental Security Income.

In addition, however, management problems "lead to misspending" and add to the financial ills of the program, investigators from the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee say.

"Federal disability claims are often paid to individuals who are not legally entitled to receive them," three senior Republicans on the House committee declared in a March 11 letter to the agency. Among the signers was the committee's chairman, Rep. Darrell Issa of California.

Social Security acknowledges a backlog of 1.3 million overdue follow-up reviews to make sure people still qualify for benefits. But agency officials blame budget cuts for the backlog, saying Congress has denied the funds needed to clear it.

Social Security spokesman Mark Hinkle said the agency follows the strict legal definition of disability when awarding benefits. In order to qualify, a person is supposed to have a disability that prevents him from working and is expected to last at least a year or result in death.

"Even with this very strict standard, there has been growth in the disability program, and the primary reason for this growth is demographics," Hinkle said. He noted that approval rates have declined as applications for benefits have increased.

The most common claimed disability was bone and muscle pain, including lower back pain, followed closely by mental disorders, according to the program's latest annual report.

"Pain cases and mental cases are extremely difficult because ? and even more so with mental cases ? there's no objective medical evidence," said Randall Frye, a Social Security administrative law judge in Charlotte, N.C. "It's all subjective."

Nearly 11 million disabled workers, spouses and children get Social Security disability benefits. That's up from 7.6 million a decade ago. The average monthly benefit for a disabled worker is $1,130.

An additional 8.3 million people get Supplemental Security Income, a separately funded disability program for low-income people.

If Congress doesn't act, the trust fund that supports Social Security disability will run out of money in 2016, according to projections by Social Security's trustees. At that point, the system will collect only enough money in payroll taxes to pay 80 percent of benefits, triggering an automatic 20 percent cut in benefits.

Congress could redirect money from Social Security's much bigger retirement program to shore up the disability program, as it did in 1994. But that would worsen the finances of the retirement program, which is facing its own long-term financial problems.

The House oversight subcommittee on entitlements is scheduled to hold the first of several hearings on the disability program Thursday. The hearing will focus on the role of administrative law judges in awarding benefits.

Most Social Security disability claims are initially processed through a network of local Social Security Administration field offices and state agencies, usually Disability Determination Services, and most are rejected. If your claim is rejected, you can ask the field office or state agency to reconsider. If your claim is rejected again, you can appeal to an administrative law judge, who is employed by Social Security.

The hearing process takes an average of a little more than a year, according to Social Security statistics. The agency estimates there are 816,000 hearings pending.

So far this budget year, the vast majority of judges have approved benefits in more than half the cases they've decided, even though they were reviewing applications that had typically been rejected twice by state agencies, according to Social Security data.

Of the 1,560 judges who have decided at least 50 cases since October, 195 judges approved benefits in at least 75 percent of their cases, according to the data, which were analyzed by congressional investigators.

"This is not one or two judges out there just going rogue and saying they are going to approve a lot of cases," said Rep. James Lankford, R-Okla., chairman of the House Oversight Subcommittee on Energy, Policy, Health Care, and Entitlements. "This is a very, very high rate" of approving claims.

The union representing administrative law judges says judges are required to decide 500 to 700 cases a year in an effort to reduce the hearings backlog. The union says the requirement is an illegal quota that leads judges to sometimes award benefits they might otherwise deny just to keep up with the flow of cases, according to a federal lawsuit filed by the judges' union in April.

"I wouldn't want to suggest publicly that judges are not following the law or the regulations," said Frye, the North Carolina law judge who also is president of the Association of Administrative Law Judges , But, he added, "Would you want your surgeon to be on a quota system, to have to do so many surgeries every morning? Mistakes are going to be made when you force that kind of system on professional folks whose judgment, skill and experience are critical to coming to a good result."

The agency denies there is a case quota for judges, saying the standard is a productivity goal. The agency has declined to comment on the lawsuit. Former Social Security Commissioner Michael Astrue said he set the goal in 2007 to help reduce the hearings backlog.

Once people get benefits, their cases are supposed to be reviewed periodically to make sure they are still disabled. The reviews are called continuing disability reviews, or CDRs.

For people whose disabilities are expected to improve, CDRs should be done in six to 18 months, according a 2010 report by the agency's inspector general. If improvement is possible ? but not necessarily likely ? reviews should be done every three years. People with disabilities believed to be permanent should get reviews every five to seven years.

At the end of 1996, there was a backlog of 4.3 million overdue reviews. In response, Congress authorized about $4 billion to fund a seven-year effort to wipe it out, and the backlog was erased in 2002.

But after the funding dried up, the number of annual reviews performed by the agency decreased and the backlog grew. Last year, the agency conducted 443,000 continuing reviews.

President Barack Obama's proposed budget for next year includes $1.5 billion to address the backlog, a nearly 50 percent increase over present funding. With the increase, the agency says it would be able to conduct slightly more than 1 million reviews.

"We have completed every CDR funded by Congress, but our administrative budget has been significantly reduced, resulting in three straight years of funding levels nearly a billion dollars below the president's budget requests," Hinkle said. "As a result, we have lost more than 10,000 employees since the beginning of (fiscal year) 2011. We currently have a backlog of 1.3 million CDRs, which we would be able to address with adequate, dedicated program integrity funding from Congress."


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Associated Press


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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Hiding From Death

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In a world where magic is scarce, a group of seven teens born with great power must run from assassins dispatched by the government to hunt them down. Will they survive and fight? Or will the surrender and die?


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Saturday, June 22, 2013

Fire threatens Colorado mountain town of 400

In this Thursday, June 20, 2013 photo provided by the U.S. Forest Service, wildfires fires approach the town of South Fork, Colo. The town of about 400 people was evacuated Friday morning, June 21, 2013. (AP Photo/U.S. Forest Service, Penny Bertram)

In this Thursday, June 20, 2013 photo provided by the U.S. Forest Service, wildfires fires approach the town of South Fork, Colo. The town of about 400 people was evacuated Friday morning, June 21, 2013. (AP Photo/U.S. Forest Service, Penny Bertram)

In this Thursday, June 20, 2013 photo provided by the U.S. Forest Service, wildfires fires approach the town of South Fork, Colo. The town of about 400 people was evacuated Friday morning, June 21, 2013. (AP Photo/U.S. Forest Service, Penny Bertram)

Map locates South Fork, Colorado; 1c x 3 inches; 46.5 mm x 76 mm;

(AP) ? A massive wildfire threatened a tourist town in Colorado's southwestern mountains on Friday, forcing its roughly 400 residents to flee ahead of the fast-burning blaze fueled by hot, windy weather.

Wildland firefighters teamed up with local firefighters to try to protect South Fork, which is surrounded by the Rio Grande National Forest. State authorities said the 47-square-mile fire is about seven miles southwest of town and has been advancing at a rate of about a mile an hour. Thick smoke was limiting visibility.

Fire spokeswoman Penny Bertram wouldn't speculate on the likelihood of the town burning. There's a high probability of the fire reaching the town if the fire continues to behave as it has, though crews were staging resources to protect its buildings, she said.

"They're hedging their bets," Bertram said.

Over 30 fire engines have been stationed near the town to protect it. An air tanker was also able to drop slurry ahead of the fire to try to slow its growth and giving firefighters a chance to dig a fire break, Bertram said.

Bertram and state authorities said the fire was several miles away from town by mid-afternoon but headed in its direction.

The town is a popular spot for hiking and camping. The fictional Griswold family camped in South Fork in 1983's "National Lampoon's Vacation." The famous scene where a dog urinates on a picnic basket was filmed at South Fork's Riverbend Resort, called "Kamp Komfort" in the movie.

Residents were being sent to a high school in a neighboring town.

South Fork's mayor, Kenneth Brooke, sent his children and grandchildren to a safe location and stayed behind, helping several dozen area fire responders prepare for hosing down structures.

Brooke said authorities are allowing him to stay in South Fork until the blaze crests a nearby mountain, expected Friday afternoon. Until then, the mayor was taking phone calls from nervous neighbors and telling them the town's grim forecast.

"I just tell them it doesn't look good," Brooke told The Associated Press by phone Friday. "I tell them the truth, that the fire is coming. I just tell them to keep themselves safe, evacuate as need be and don't come back.

"We're just watching the fire and doing what we can for people's properties, but mostly it's just waiting. Right now I'm saying, 'Stay out.'"

Bertram said the hot, dry and windy weather along with large stands of beetle-killed trees are causing extreme fire behavior. While most fires actively burn four hours a day, this one is burning for 12 hours a day, helping it to mushroom in recent days.

Firefighters have largely let the lightning-sparked fire burn because it's too hot and erratic to fight on the ground. Water and slurry drops from air tankers also haven't been effective, with pilots reporting that their drops largely evaporated before hitting the ground.

"There's no stopping it," Bertram said.

The town was incorporated in 1992, making it Colorado's youngest municipality. The town lost 11 structures in the 2002 Million Fire, which charred more than 14 square miles.

South Fork residents are used to damaging wildfires, but this year's is shaping up to be the worst, Brooke said.

"Our tourists are what support the town. The fires are going to run everybody away. So that's going to hurt," he said.

It was among several fires burning in Colorado.

In south-central Colorado, nine homes and four outbuildings have been lost in a wildfire in Huerfano County that has evacuated about two dozen residents and more than 170 Boy Scouts since it started Wednesday, fire officials said.

On Thursday, firefighters fully contained what is now the state's most destructive wildfire. The Black Forest Fire destroyed more than 500 homes and killed two people near Colorado Springs.

Associated Press


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Republicans Face a Choice: Expand or Expire

As the immigration issue moves front and center in Congress, a chorus of GOP voices is warning that if immigrants?and, let?s face it, the debate is focused mostly on those from Mexico, Central America, and South America?are provided a path to citizenship, Republicans will never again win a national election. The same people also argue that Republicans would find it much harder to win statewide races in places such as Texas that now routinely fall into the GOP column. Implicit in both arguments is the notion that Republicans will remain a competitive party nationally and stay dominant in certain states if they can prevent Hispanic immigrants from becoming citizens and gaining voting rights.

But that position ignores the fact that the 45.5 million Hispanics already in this country legally are registering to vote and are seeing the Republican Party as distinctly hostile. The more the GOP comes to be seen as fighting immigration reform, the more difficult it will be for Republican candidates to compete for this group of voters. Remember, 50,000 Hispanic citizens reach voting age every month.

Two historic events should be recalled as this debate begins in earnest. As recently as 2004, when President Bush was seeking reelection, having run aggressive Spanish-language advertising and outreach efforts in both his presidential campaigns, he garnered 44 percent of the Latino vote nationwide, an important factor in his 51 percent to 48 percent victory over John Kerry. Bush aggressively sought and received Hispanic votes?not a majority, mind you, but a very respectable share. He realized that many Latino voters, particular those rising into the middle class, would consider voting for a Republican.

In the intervening years, conservative activists, and more than a few elected Republican officials, have taken positions on immigration and other issues that resulted in Mitt Romney winning just 27 percent of the Hispanic vote last year. In 2012 congressional races, House Republicans garnered only 30 percent of the Hispanic vote. Given that Bush in 2004 won 58 percent of the white vote, 1 point less than Romney?s 59 percent in 2012, it?s easy to see that a decent share of the difference between the Bush and Romney results came from Latino voters. Ditto for congressional Republicans, who lost the national popular vote for the House last year.

Second, going back still further, Republicans used to win statewide offices in California fairly routinely; that is, until then-Gov. Pete Wilson decided to use the immigration issue to enhance his reelection chances in 1994. Proposition 187 was a ballot initiative that effectively denied illegal immigrants access to public education, state-provided health care, and other social services. This was the first time in modern history that immigration played a central role in a major statewide election. The strategy served Wilson well that year; he defeated state Treasurer Kathleen Brown, the daughter of the late Gov. Pat Brown and sister of current Gov. Jerry Brown, 55 percent to 41 percent. Prop 187 passed 59 percent to 41 percent.

That election and proposition became a watershed for the Golden State?s Republican Party. Before Prop 187, the GOP carried California in nine of 12 post-World War II presidential elections, including six in a row from 1968 through 1988. Admittedly, the ticket was twice headed by Richard Nixon and twice by Ronald Reagan, both Californians. Even so, in 1988, George H.W. Bush beat Michael Dukakis 51 percent to 48 percent in the state. Since Prop 187, Republican presidential candidates have lost California in all five elections.

In 16 California races for the U.S. Senate pre-Prop 187, Republicans and Democrats each won eight times. One Republican win occurred during President Johnson?s landslide victory over GOP Sen. Barry Goldwater in 1964. Since 1994, Republicans have lost six Senate elections in a row.

How about the governorship? From the end of World War II until 1994, Republicans won the Governor?s Mansion six times, Democrats four. Democrats have won three times since; outlier Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger won that extraordinary recall election in 2003 and was reelected in 2006, although he was hardly an ordinary Republican. Those are the only post-Prop 187 GOP gubernatorial victories in the state.

And lieutenant governor? Republicans won the state?s No. 2 post six times between the end of the World War II and 1994; Democrats won it twice. Since 1994, Democrats have four victories to the GOP?s zero. For state attorney general, before Prop 187, Republicans won four times, Democrats five. Since then, Democrats have taken the post four times, Republicans zero. This same basic pattern holds up for secretary of state and state treasurer. Proposition 187 and Wilson?s reelection campaign?s use of it proved to be Pyrrhic victories for the GOP, all but killing off the Republican Party as a political force statewide.

Most of the best minds in the Republican Party know that doubling down on opposition to immigration reform is a losing proposition. As Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina recently put it, the Republican Party is in a demographic death spiral. Republicans have an opportunity to pull out of it if they can find a way to take immigration off the table, shut up or subdue the more extreme voices in their party, and stop alienating Hispanics?and, for that matter, Asian voters (Obama?s winning margins among Asians ended up slightly wider than among Hispanics). The challenge for Speaker John Boehner, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, and other GOP leaders is how to get immigration reform through Congress without ripping their party apart. I?d say, ?That?s why they get paid the big bucks,? but they don?t get paid nearly enough to navigate challenges as great as this one.


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Watch Randy Couture sing ?Livin? on a Prayer?

Yes, you are watching Randy Couture sing a mellowed-down version of the Bon Jovi classic "Livin' on a Prayer." The same Randy Couture who was a champion in two weight classes in the UFC. The same Randy Couture who served in the Army, was an Olympic alternate for Greco-Roman wrestling, and has coached several high-level fights. The Randy Couture who is now starring on Spike's "Fight Master?" Yep, that's the Randy Couture who is serenading you at this moment.

"The Natural" is a man of many talents.

Thanks, Tracy Lee.


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