Sunday, March 10, 2013

Tips On How To Study For Exams -Techniques For Studying

We all should learn various techniques for studying at a very young age. I was very lucky when I was young to have been raised by a mother who just happened to be a school teacher. For her books were her way of life. Books, pencils and erasers were her daily routine. Since her job was to teach, and she was good at her job, over time she had picked up different techniques for studying. She must have used these techniques for studying herself as her 98.1 college average would indicate. This high average also led me to believe that these were good tips on how to study for exams.

So what techniques for studying did she instill in me and her other students along the years.

Well one of her favourite tips on how to study for exams was to actually know the material you were being tested on. So for an elementary student this meant paying attention in the classroom and doing any homework that you were assigned. For a college student the guidelines were the same except for one major difference. In college attendance is not mandatory. In my mother's eye attendance was necessary. It was obvious by her college marks that she never missed a class.

If a student was struggling to learn the material one of the techniques for studying that often helped was to learn the material by associating it with something that you actually enjoyed. For example, if you are trying to learn math instead of adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing up just numbers add something that you like to the equation like cookies. I bet if you had 2 other friends and you had to split 12 cookies equally among the three of you, you would figure that out pretty quick.

Another good tip on how to study for exams is to follow a schedule. This technique for studying applies more to a college student then a student in the lower grades. College students have a lot on their plate. They are attending classes, meeting new friends and many of them will also have part time jobs. Making a schedule and sticking to it will help immensely. The last thing you want is to find yourself way behind on your studies because you have spent too much time socializing and partying. Although that is all a part of college life it is not the main part. You are planning for your future at this time so it is best to let your studies take a front seat to the partying and socializing.

Other tips on how to study for exams is of course to learn the material through memorization. Although this is a different technique for studying I personally am not a fan of it. Many people are quite capable of memorizing certain things without truly understanding it. I think it is much better to actually know and understand what you have been studying. Hopefully you will learn from these tips on how to study for exams and maybe come up with your very own techniques for studying.

For more tips on how to study for exams check out the Good Grades Guide Review


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