Friday, June 15, 2012

Euro Debt Crisis is Good for Gold and Silver: Sprott Money Manager Charles Oliver ? The Gold Report

Article Excerpt:

?I had expected that the money from the European version of quantitative easing would start to get into circulation and, with the continuing debasement of currencies, be very positive for gold and other asset classes. However, I miscalculated how weak the banks of Europe actually are; most have very weak balance sheets. Indeed, they took most of that money to try and prop themselves up and keep afloat.
The Euro?s Demise Has Been Set in Motion: Are you protected? Having said that, I maintain my long-term thesis, which is that the governments of Europe are going to continue to print money. The things that are going on in Europe, China and the U.S. lead me to believe that there is going to be significant printing down the road, which ultimately will lead to higher gold and silver prices.?

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