Friday, May 18, 2012

New Mass Effect 3 DLC possible? | | Video Game News | Video ...

It seems that there might have been a hiccup on Sony Asia?s website today. This hiccup detailed an upcoming DLC package for Mass Effect 3, said to be available today, but was later removed from the site(epic fail Sony Asia). The information about this DLC package was gathered before the site was able to take the post down. The?alleged content of this DLC seems to be two new maps, three new weapons, and six new classes. The two maps are said to be?Fire-base?Jade and?Fire-base?Goddess.?Fire-base?Jade is claimed to be a jungle type map, while?Fire-base?Goddess is set on the Asari?s?home-world. The new classes will cover all playable races of the game, and no details were given on what the new weapons would be. It?s obvious BioWare has some new goodies for the Mass Effect universe, but at this point in time they are not willing to reveal it. Thanks to Sony Asia, however, we know it?s coming! Thanks boys.

Author: dubisirate View all posts by dubisirate

Hey there! This is Jeremiah aka Dubisirate, co-founder of Fully Loaded Gaming. I am currently attending college, majoring in English. I hope to use these skills in my gaming journalism. Now to my gaming experience. I have been playing video games since Atari. My favorite system is Sega Genesis. Toe Jam and Earl is one of my favorite games on Sega, as well as NHL '94(I play NHL almost every night). On a non-video game note, I love the Warhammer 40K universe. I read the novels and play the various video game titles from this universe. I am a huge fan of movies from all genres. I love reggae and beaching it up in the summer! Thank you for your support of Fully Loaded Gaming!

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