Thursday, May 31, 2012

Life with Little Sidekicks: Priorities

Life with Little Sidekicks: Priorities


Ever since Brooklyn was born just over five years ago, my priorities in life have changed very drastically. I was 21 years old when Brooke was born. Up until I got pregnant, my idea of a fun weekend was going out (wearing a brand new outfit bought just for the occasion) to a bar, club, or house party to drink, dance and act carefree. Money wasn't an issue; neither was sleep. I could easily stay up until the wee hours, get 3-4 hours of sleep and get up and go to work. I worked full-time at daycare center, part-time as a manager at McDonald's, and went to school two evenings a week. My energy was endless. Even with little sleep, I excelled at each of my jobs and at school. I have no idea how I did it, but I did. And yeah, it was a lot of fun. And I have no regrets whatsoever.

But now, my priorities are so different. My idea of a fun weekend is spending time with my family. Playing board games, doing puzzles, building Lego creations with the girls. Running around in the back yard, taking the girls for bike rides, going on hikes, or to the park. Eating dinner together around our tiny kitchen table. Having pajama dance parties in the living room. Turning on Hockey Night in Canada and cheering for the Leafs even though we know they'll probably lose. Watching a movie and maybe?probably having a drink or two with Chris after the girls have gone to bed. Passing out half-way through the movie and never having a clue how it ends. Sure, I still go out on occasion to let loose with my friends... but not very often, probably only a few times a year. I am entitled to that. About 6 years ago, I really never would have imagined how much my life would change after having kids. But it is a lot of fun. And I have no regrets whatsoever.

When pregnant with Brooklyn, I told myself I wouldn't let being a Mom define me. I would keep the same friends, I would still go out on the weekends when I could. That first little while as a Mom I probably spent more time going out with friends on the weekend than I should have, and I regret it a little bit. But that's okay. You live, you learn. Soon I realized that I would much rather stay home and hang out with my beautiful baby and her Daddy, and get lots more sleep! After that I learned pretty quickly that when you have kids and your friends don't (or, sometimes they do), and you start turning down invitations to the bar, often times you drift apart and talk much less. Some may stop talking to you entirely. This used to keep me awake at night but I have come to realize that many people are not meant to be in your life forever; friendships come and go. Some last a long time, and many don't. And that's okay too. The important and meaningful ones are usually the ones that last.

As much as I told myself it would never happen, having kids has entirely changed my life. But I am so, so happy with how it has changed.?Some people I know that have kids are still going out nearly every weekend, drinking, dancing, doing appalling and shameful things that a grown adult really shouldn't be doing... but whatever. It doesn't really make sense to me, but who am I to judge how others waste?spend their time? I just do my best to separate myself and my family from people that are obviously negative influences.?

All I know is this: Chris is out of the house for 11 hours a day five days (and sometimes six days) a week; our time together is precious. Never, ever in our lives will we regret spending too much time with each other or with our kids. We absolutely love spending time together as family. It is so fulfilling and so satisfying... I can't even describe how happy it makes us.?Yes, sometimes I feel like I need a break from my kids - I am with them nearly all day every day, and it can be really hard on me (and them!).?Usually even just going out for a half hour to pick up milk and bread is enough to get myself out of a funk... especially when I walk in the door and two brown-haired, blue-eyed beauties come running to greet me with toothy grins and open arms. It makes it all worth it.

My family is my number one priority. I am so, so thankful for the life I have. I may not have a huge house or lots of expensive things. I may be able to count the friends I can depend on and trust with one hand. I may only spend my time and energy on a few people who return that same compassion, caring and honesty with me. But all of this is a trade-off because I am so rich in love. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

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5 Start-up Ideas for Your Home-Based Business | MLM | Network ...

Posted on 29. May, 2012 by Athar in Uncategorized

So you?ve decided to start a home-based business? That?s great, but where do you start? If you?re online quite a bit, then there?s no reason you can?t start a business right from your own home on the Web. There are so many resources available online today that you can benefit tremendously from the research of others while building your own business. And, there are many companies that will do lots of the work for you when you join with them.

Here are five easy start-up ideas for your home-based business to save you time and money.

1. Choose Your Hours

Decide how much time you will be able to invest in your home-based business. To be honest, there are many new business owners who never make it because they?re not willing to invest their time. If you work a full-time job and plan to keep it while your home-based business builds, then you should determine how many free hours you can spend working. Can you invest a few hours per day, or week perhaps?

Once you choose your hours, stick with them on a consistent basis. Treat the home business just as you would a store with operating hours. If you open a store from 9 to 5, then someone must be there during those hours. So, if you plan to work on your new business from 8:00 p.m. until 11:00 p.m. five nights per week, then let this be your ?operating hours!?

2. Choose a Business

Even if you plan to start a business selling products of your own, you might find it useful to join with a company to sell their products to build extra income at first. You can even do both if you can invest enough time and effort into both businesses. Choose a product or service that you enjoy selling. No business is fun if you dislike it. The more you enjoy it, the more likely you are to be successful.

With the Internet, MLM businesses are building down lines like crazy. This is the perfect opportunity for you to earn some extra cash or even a substantial income. The reason MLM businesses are so profitable online is because it is so easy to contact people by email and through your own website. Some MLM companies even do most of the work and contacts for you to save you time and money. Communication is very easy online even if you?re not really a ?salesperson.?

If you plan to join an MLM group, be sure to choose a reputable company that has been in business for at least several years. Ask to speak with others who have worked with the company a while. Check with the Better Business Bureau Online to be sure there have been no (or very few) complaints. There are many scams online today, so sign on with a well-established MLM company to be safe!

3. Prepare Your Home-Based Business Work Area

Before you start a home-based business, be sure your home office is up to par. Upgrade your computer to a fast one with a super-fast Internet connection so your work will not be hindered by outside factors. Also, get a very comfortable desk chair with plenty of back and arm support. Choose a keyboard and mouse that you?re comfortable with, and organize your desk. Working in a well-organized environment clears your thinking so you can work and promote without distraction.

4. Investing Your Money

Before you invest a dime, be certain it?s the right business for you. When selling products for others, you might be asked to invest money before getting started for inventory, membership, a website, and so forth. If so, study every aspect of the business before doing so. Any business start-up will require some monetary investment, but you need to think before you invest.

Once you?ve chosen a business to invest in, set up a budget solely for your business. Having a business account at your local bank will help. Also, set up an account with an online payment processor if possible. PayPal and StormPay are two of the most popular ones online right now. If signing on with an MLM company, find out how they issue their payments first.

5. Use Your Talents and Skills

Whether you sign on with an MLM company or start a business selling your own products and services, remember to use all your talents and skills. Maybe you?re a great typist or a very savvy Internet user. Perhaps you know how to design websites, printed flyers, or promote online. Use your talents to maximize your home-based business profits.

Don?t just sit at home and dream of owning your own business. Use these five start-up tips to get your home-based business moving today!


"This is a guest post provided by some of our readers... If you would like to be part of our team visit our Jobs page. The articles written by Matt Lloyd can be found here -> Matt Lloyd "

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Egyptians Outraged Over Presidential Poll Results (Voice Of America)

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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

James M. Clash: Mercury Astronaut Scott Carpenter Celebrates 50-Year Flight Milestone

Fifty years ago -- on May 24, 1962 -- astronaut Scott Carpenter blasted off from Cape Canaveral, Florida, in his Mercury Aurora spacecraft en route to three orbits of the Earth.

That trip is pretty tame by today's space standards, but back then it was real cutting-edge exploration. Carpenter was only the second American to orbit the Earth. John Glenn had been first, just a few months earlier.

And Carpenter's flight didn't come off without some drama. Because of a mechanical glitch he landed 250 miles off-course in the Atlantic Ocean, and it took nearly an hour for the Intrepid aircraft carrier to find him.

Carpenter, now 87, never flew in space again. A broken arm and an intense passion for the oceans led him to pursue a career in aquatics.

I caught up with the maverick -- a retired U.S. Navy captain and one of only two original Mercury Seven "right stuff" astronauts still alive (the other is Glenn) -- on the half-century anniversary of his flight.

Appropriately enough, we met at a watch store in New York. Carpenter had worn a Breitling Cosmonaute on his historic flight. The watch has now been recreated in a limited Cosmonaute line.

Jim Clash: What sticks most vividly in your mind 50 years after your 1962 Mercury flight?

Scott Carpenter: My Breitling watch [laughs]. No, liftoff is the most fun. In the days I flew, we had computers that could calculate an insertion that would last for only a few orbits. So when I heard from the ground after the booster shut down, "You've got a go for orbits," that was the high point for me.

JC: You overshot your landing area by 250 miles, and were alone floating in the Atlantic while they looked for you. Were you worried?

SC: I am criticized sometimes for this answer. I wasn't concerned because I knew exactly where I was. And I didn't know that other people didn't know. I enjoyed the quiet silence that would precede a lot of answers to a lot of questions in my debriefing. It was a fun time.

JC: Talk about competition in the 1960s with the former Soviet Union's space program.

SC: It was an interesting thing. The competition arose because of the Cold War. In those days, it was felt both by the Soviets and the Americans that pre-eminence in space was a condition of our national survivals. The competition was heated, but it was very respectful, each of the other. And I have to tell you I was very pleased in the early days to see that the Soviets had done what they had done. They were doing everything first -- and better than we were! So we used that competition to do our jobs better. And the competition also inspired the cosmonauts to do better work.

JC: Do you see any irony now, with the retirement of the Shuttle, that we are flying to the International Space Station aboard Soyuz rockets?

SC: I am so overjoyed by the fact that the competition has now transposed itself to cooperation. Space is not an enterprise that belongs to the U.S., or to Russia, or to China -- it is a human endeavor and experience. And that's as it should be.

JC: You are also known for your iconic phrase, "God speed, John Glenn," just before he was about to launch.

SC: That was after T -18 seconds, and it was at a time when I was the only person who could communicate with John. Nobody originally heard that message but John. What he needed to complete his mission was speed. That was the only thing that the [suborbital] guys before him didn't have. And it was also kind of an accepted, 'have a good time,' prayer -- a request from the almighty for the speed that he needed. And he got it.

JC: Was it spontaneous?

SC: Neil Armstrong says that his, "one small step for a man," occurred to him at the last moment. That's what happened with me.

JC: Where were you when Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walked on the Moon in 1969?

SC: I was in Washington, DC. And I was just thinking, 'hooray.' I was just so proud of us!

JC: Some of the Mercury astronauts flew again on other missions. How come you never went back to space?

SC: It started when I broke an arm, and I was not flight-worthy. So I got involved with the underwater business, and that fascinated me. It was a good way to transfer space technology to the oceans -- which we did [Sealab II]. I got so enchanted by what [Jacques] Cousteau was doing and I was so curious about that stretch of avenue that I switched over.

Jim Clash, a fellow and director at The Explorers Club, will debut the eBook, "The Right Stuff: Interviews with Icons in the 1960s," next month (AskMen, June 2012, $12.99)


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Slow, wet Beryl dumps rain on US Southeast coast

This NOAA satellite image taken Tuesday, May 29, 2012 at 07:45 AM EDT shows clouds over Florida and Georgia associated with Tropical Depression Beryl as it will slowly move northeastward and into the Atlantic Ocean the next few days. Areas of heavy rain and thunderstorms can continue to be expected. (AP Photo/Weather Underground)

This NOAA satellite image taken Tuesday, May 29, 2012 at 07:45 AM EDT shows clouds over Florida and Georgia associated with Tropical Depression Beryl as it will slowly move northeastward and into the Atlantic Ocean the next few days. Areas of heavy rain and thunderstorms can continue to be expected. (AP Photo/Weather Underground)

A truck plows through standing water on Ft. Caroline Road, just west of St. Johns Bluff Road, on Monday, May, 28, 2012 in Jacksonville, Fla. as Tropical Storm Beryl blew through town. (AP Photo/Florida Times-Union, Bruce Lipsky)

Matt Malin, of Tampa, sits with Olivia, 4, one of his four daughters, watching the Atlantic Ocean churn on Monday, May 28, 2012 in Jacksonville Beach, Fla. as Tropical Storm Beryl blew through town. The red flags mean the beach is closed to water activities. (AP Photo/Florida Times-Union, Bruce Lipsky)

Connor Sidman, 12, right, and his friend Sean Frechette, 12, skim board around Memorial Park in Riverside, Fla., in the aftermath of Tropical Storm Beryl on Monday May 28, 2012. Beryl came ashore early Monday near Jacksonville Beach with near-hurricane-strength winds of 70 mph. (AP Photo/The Florida Times-Union, Kelly Jordan)

Swimmers play at the edge of the surf beneath a yellow caution flag at Folly Beach, S.C., on Tuesday, May 29, 2012. The National Hurricane Center forecasts the remnants of Tropical Storm Beryl will strengthen and reach tropical storm strength off the South Carolina coast on Wednesday. (AP Photo/Bruce Smith).

CHARLESTON, S.C. (AP) ? Residents along the Southeast coast were warned of possible flooding Tuesday from former Tropical Storm Beryl that left up to 10 inches of rain in northern Florida and was moving northeastward before heading back toward the coast and into the Atlantic.

Beryl sloshed ashore near Jacksonville, Fla., on Memorial Day and was a tropical depression Tuesday with maximum sustained winds of 30 mph (45 kph). It was centered about 115 miles (185 kilometers) west-southwest of Savannah and was moving northeast near 5 mph (7 kph).

The National Hurricane Center said that, on that track, the storm was expected to skim along the South Carolina coast early Wednesday before moving back over the Atlantic and strengthening again into a tropical storm with sustained winds of more than 39 mph.

Beryl is the second named tropical system of the 2012 Atlantic Hurricane season that doesn't officially begin until Friday.

Skies were hazy and the sun occasionally peaked through Tuesday in Charleston while there was a hazy sun for sunbathers at nearby Folly Beach. Swimmers stayed close to the shoreline as the surf roiled and yellow caution flags flew from lifeguard stations.

By late afternoon, flood watches for areas south of Savannah, Ga., were dropped although flash flood watches remained in effect for the mid-South Carolina coast and flood watches were posted for the upper coast.

Zarron Allen, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Jacksonville, said Beryl dumped 10 inches of rain in Sewanee County, Florida, while nearby areas wound up with 3 to 6 inches.

Forecasters had predicted that up to 4 inches could fall on parts of South Carolina, although dry air began to wrap into the system in Georgia and by late in the day, the forecast called for only about 2 inches of new rain.

Rain would be welcome along the South Carolina coast after what has been a warm winter and dry spring. Rainfall in the Charleston area is about 4 inches below normal for the year.

Meteorologist Brett Cimbora of the National Weather Service in Charleston said rain would be sporadic at first as bands of showers spin up off the ocean, then become steadier. "The storm is moving pretty slow and it's bringing in rain off the water," he said.

Cimbora said the threat of flash flooding along the coast is greater because it has been dry and the biggest possibility is late Tuesday. Dry soil is more compacted and sudden heavy rains wash off quickly instead of seeping into the ground, he said.

Reports from the National Weather Service indicated that damage from the system seemed confined downed trees and limbs. Rip currents were reported at the Isle of Palms northeast of Charleston.

The forecast from the National Hurricane Center calls for Beryl to regain tropical storm strength off the North Carolina coast by late Wednesday. But even so, tropical storm force winds were expected to stay offshore so no coastal warnings had been posted.

Cimbora said heavy winds were not expected in the Charleston area as the storm again approached the coast from land. But he said that some of the stronger storms within rain bands could have heavy winds.

Associated Press

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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Mired in 8-game skid, Braves shake things up

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Study Says Aspirin Can Cut Skin Cancer Risk ? CBS Dallas / Fort ...

NEW YORK (CBS NEWS) - Taking common painkillers such as aspirin, Advil and Aleve may reduce a person?s chances of developing skin cancer, a new study finds.

For the study, researchers looked at medical records from nearly 179,000 individuals from Northern Denmark that were collected between 1991 and 2002. The researchers were looking to see if taking the medications, collectively called nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), reduced a person?s risk of developing the three major kinds of skin cancer: basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and malignant melanoma.

Previous studies have tied taking NSAIDs to protective benefits against cancer, including research published in March that found taking aspirin everyday reduced a person?s risk for deadly cancers of the colon, lungs, prostate or breast. Aspirin has also been called a ?wonder drug? because of its protective benefits against heart attack and stroke in those who take it daily.

Click Here To Read More From CBS News

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Monday, May 28, 2012

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Strategies On How To Effectively Improve Your Home

Adding halogen track lighting fixtures can add an especially elegant touch to kitchens in which food is focal. Track lighting can be adjusted to highlight distinctive architectural elements of the kitchen, illuminate fine china or floral displays, or draw visitors? eyes to the main serving area during intimate dinner parties.

One of the latest trends for home improvement is painting the ceilings in each room. Instead of a generic white, it is highly beneficial, relaxing, and extremely decorative to paint the ceilings of each room a few shades lighter of the same color as the walls. Doing this brings the room more together and makes for a more relaxing and soothing atmosphere.

Before trying to remove a popcorn ceiling yourself, have it tested for asbestos. Asbestos is an extremely harmful substance and requires special care in removal and disposal, but it only causes problems when it is disturbed. If your ceiling does contain asbestos, you may need to hire a crew with special equipment to remove the ceiling.

If you are looking for a simple improvement to your home then head to the store and grab some paint. A fresh coat of paint can make a house feel brand new and requires minimal output in both cash and time. A new paint job will also increase the attractiveness of your home to possible buyers if you are looking to sell.

If you are low on cash, but need to remodel your kitchen cabinetry, a great way to save money is by ditching cabinets altogether. Set up some nice shelving on the wall with canisters to store your items and use baskets to store larger groceries you may need. This creates a really neat shabby chic look that looks great in old colonial homes.

Fix floor squeaks with a few drywall screws. While a second person waits below in the crawl space or basement, walk over your floor and locate where the squeaking is occurring. Signal to the person below where the problem is. They can insert a drywall screw through the sub floor and into the flooring to stop the squeak.

Is your kitchen sink stopped up again? Have you tried products like Draino to no avail? Well, before you call that plumber, or buy a plumber snake, try to use a plunger first! Yup, the same thing that can unclog your toilet works just as fine when you are trying to unclog your kitchen sink. Just add a little water in the sink to create a seal around the plunger and plunge away!

When planning a major home renovation project, hire a professional architect or designer to create your plans. Unless you or a family member has professional design training, any plans you create are likely to be all form and no function. Professional designers will be able to create meaningful plans to construct from that also meet all local building restrictions.

If your home has more closets than you need, consider converting one or more into another functional space, such as an office, a home bar, or a small library. By removing the doors and adding shelves, a desk, a chair or other furnishings, you can utilize the storage space you don?t need as extra living space.

Now that you have read the sound and practical home improvement information in the article above, you can take your home improvement dreams one step closer to becoming reality. The tips above will give you the confidence you need to create what you have imagined, and do it the right way.

Moises Albini features a column on the subject of Organize your closet

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Gibbs: Bain is Romney's "thesis" for president, calls attacks fair (cbsnews)

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Sunday, May 27, 2012

KC bishop delegates away diocesan legal authority | National ...

KANSAS CITY, Mo. -- In what seems to be a sign that the first bishop criminally charged in the decades-long clergy sex abuse crisis is acknowledging his legal defense may create a conflict of interest with his role as leader of his diocese, Bishop Robert Finn announced Friday creation of a new episcopal vicar with "decision-making" power over the diocese's own legal options.

Both Finn and his Kansas City-St. Joseph, Mo., diocese face trial this September in Jackson County, Mo., over separate criminal charges of failure to report suspect child abuse concerning their actions regarding a priest arrested last year for possession of child pornography.

The new role, quietly announced Friday afternoon on the website of the diocesan paper, seems to indicate that the diocese and bishop are for the first time publicly recognizing that legal decisions made by one could negatively impact the other.

According to the announcement, diocesan priest Fr. Patrick Rush, a local pastor who had previously served as vicar general of the diocese, is now serving as "Episcopal Vicar with Special Mandate." In that role, the announcement says, Rush "will provide 'independent representation, deliberation, and decision-making with executive power' concerning the criminal charge against the Diocese."

"Bishop Finn?s letter of appointment stated that the decision to create an Episcopal Vicar with Special Mandate will 'avoid even the appearance of conflict concerning the juridical affairs of the diocese,'" the announcement continues. "The appointment carries the authority to make decisions independently of the bishop and will expire upon resolution of the case involving the Diocese."

The case against Finn and the diocese stems from their actions regarding diocesan priest Fr. Shawn Ratigan, a local pastor who was arrested on child pornography charges in May 2011. Prosecutors say both Finn and the diocese should have reported Ratigan to police as early as December 2010, when they acknowledge becoming aware of lewd images of children on his laptop.

Friday's announcement follows efforts by lawyers representing Finn to dismiss the charges against the bishop on the grounds that they say he cannot be considered a "mandated reporter" for cases of suspected abuse, as there are people in the diocese specifically tasked with that responsibility.

While Jackson County, Mo., Judge John Torrence dismissed such motions in March, Finn's lawyers filed a new set of similar motions last Monday. According to a report in The Kansas City Star, Torrence announced Wednesday there would be a hearing regarding the new motions June 15.

Finn also announced two other new leadership roles in the diocese Friday. According to the announcement, Jude Huntz, a lay person who has been serving as the diocesan chief of staff since October, will serve as the diocesan chancellor effective June 12.

Also according to the announcement, Msgr. Bradley Offutt, the current chancellor, will serve as diocesan vicar general, also effective June 12. Offutt replaces Msgr. Robert Murphy in that role.

Murphy, who will return to parish ministry full-time, has been particularly criticized in the diocese's handling of Ratigan. As NCR reported last year, Murphy was first alerted to concerns about Ratigan's behavior in May 2010, when he was hand-delivered a letter from the principal serving at the elementary school connected to Ratigan's parish.

That letter, which outlined a series of incidents reported to the principal by members of the school?s faculty and students? parents said that "parents, staff members, and parishioners are discussing [Ratigan's] actions and whether or not he may be a child molester.?

Addressing concerns about Murphy's role in the Ratigan case, Finn announced last June that Murphy, who had previously overseen the diocese's response to sexual abuse allegations against priests, would no longer do so. At that time, Finn also announced appointment of a new vicar of clergy, tasked with that role.

According to Friday's announcement, Offutt will also assume the role of vicar of clergy.

Ratigan, who is being held in custody, faces both local and federal charges relating to the possession and production of child pornography. Finn and the diocese also faced scrutiny regarding their actions in the case from prosecutors in Clay County, Mo., where Ratigan's parish is located.

In November, prosecutors there announced that in lieu of criminal charges against Finn they had made an agreement with the bishop giving them wide-ranging authority over the diocese?s handling of sex abuse cases in their county for the next five years.

Among other things, that agreement requires Finn to report monthly to the prosecutor to "apprise [the prosecutor] of any and all reported suspicions or alleged abuse activities involving minors" in the diocese's facilities in the county.

[Joshua J. McElwee is an NCR staff writer. His email address is]

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As Beryl approaches, mayor asks residents to heed warnings, prepare

11 a.m.: National Hurricane Center: Beryl strengthens

The latest update from the National Hurricane Center shows Beryl gaining strength, with sustained winds at 60 mph. The storm is located 125 miles to the east of Jacksonville and moving west at 10 mph. Tropical storm conditions are expected to reach the coast late this morning or early afternoon. Landfall is expected this evening. Rain totals of 3 to 6 inches are possible.

8:45 a.m.: Mayor asks residents to take caution, prepare for storm

At a morning news conference at the city's Emergency Operations Center, Mayor Alvin Brown encouraged residents to take caution and prepare for subtropical storm Beryl.

"I am encouraging all area residents to stay indoors and off the streets as the storm approaches,? Brown said. "And please do not go into the water today. Stay out of the water ??it's about safety."

Brown also encouraged business owners to close early today to allow employees to get home safely and prepare for the storm.

No mandatory evacuations have been issued, he said.

Residents should prepare, however, for localized flooding, downed trees and downed power lines. "Don't become compacent; take this very seriously," he stressed.

An emergency shelter for those with special needs will open at noon today at the Legends Center at 5130 Soutel Drive near Moncrief Road in Northwest Jacksonville.

He said that he expects garbage pick-up on Monday will be halted.

At this time, there are not plans to close Jacksonville International Airport and there are no bridge closures, he said. Updates on the Jacksonville Port Authority are forthcoming.

Additionally, the mayor said he signed a declaration of emergency, paving the way for federal assistance if needed.

Updates on the city's official Memorial Day activities are expected later this morning.

For more information, residents can call 630-2489 (630-CITY) or visit

Our earlier story:

Subtropical storm Beryl is churning ever closer to the Southeast U.S. coast, threatening Memorial Day beachgoers with dangerous surf and drenching rains from Northeast Florida to the Carolinas.

The National Hurricane Center said Beryl was centered at 8 a.m. about 165 miles east of Jacksonvile. Forecasters said the system has maximum sustained winds of 50 mph and is moving west-southwest at 10 mph.

In advance of the storm, the City of Jacksonville and Mayor Alvin Brown have canceled today's Jacksonville Jazz Festival activities with the sole exception of the jazz brunch event at downtown's Omni Hotel.

With dangerous rip currents present, the city also has closed the beaches for swimming.

The city will open a special-needs shelter at the Legends Center at Soutel and Moncrief in Northwest Jacksonville at noon. Anyone electricity- and oxygen-dependent should use this shelter if there are power outages or flooding.

Tropical storm warnings are in effect for the Northeast Florida, stretching from south of St. Augustine northward along the coasts of Georgia and parts of South Carolina. The Miami-based hurricane center says the storm is expected to make landfall Sunday night or early Monday.

Beryl is technically considered a "subtropical storm," its thunderstorms capable of generating dangerous surf and rains of up to 3 to 6 inches.

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"Reportero" documentary in Chicago this weekend | Chican?sima ...

"Reportero" documentary in Chicago this weekend

Mexico is one of the most dangerous countries to be a journalist.

A new documentary, "Reportero," shows the courage of the journalists at one Tijuana newspaper. It is playing in Chicago this weekend and the film's director, Bernardo Ruiz, will speak about his work.

The documentary chronicles the murder of Hector Felix Miranda, a columnist, who was murdered in 1988, and the ongoing struggle of journalists at his newspaper.

Back in the 1980s it wasn't as common for journalists to be murdered in Mexico. The drug war has resulted in the death of more journalists in the last six years since President Felipe Calderon took office. Mexico will elect a new president in July.

More than 45 journalists have been killed or disappeared in Mexico since 2006, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ.)

"Freedom of expression is at risk," said Rocio Gallegos, an editor at El Diario de Juarez.

I heard her speak last fall when I was a visiting professor at Columbia University's Graduate School of Journalism.

Her newspaper was among the 2011 winners of the Maria Moors Cabot Prize given by Columbia University for outstanding reporting on Latin American and the Caribbean.

Gallegos explained that there are silent zones in Mexico where for fear many reporters aren't able to report on what is happening.

But her newspaper has not given up on covering the violence even though one of their reporters, Armando Rodriguez, and a photographer, Luis Carlos Santiago, have been murdered in 2008 and 2010, respectively.

On May 13, a Nuevo Laredo newspaper, El Ma?ana,? announced that it would no longer report on the drug war or the drug cartels, according to CPJ.

"The newspaper will abstain for as long as necessary from publishing any information about the violent disputes that our city and other regions of the country are suffering," according to an editorial in the newspaper. "The administrative and editorial councils of this company have reached this regrettable decision, which was caused by the circumstances we all know about, due to the lack of conditions for the free exercise of journalism."

Just two days before gunmen set off an explosive device outside the newspaper.

Across Mexico journalists are being murdered with increasing frequency.

Police beat reporter Marco Antonio ?vila Garc?a was found dead last Friday in Sonora. He was abducted by armed men at a car wash and his tortured body was later found on a dirt road.

This documentary shows how journalists in Mexico take the greatest risks to report the truth about what is happening south of the border.

Sadly, the murders of journalists have continued.

"Reportero" is showing at 6 p.m. Friday and 5:15 p.m. Sunday at the Gene Siskel Film Center, 164 N. State St. Tickets are $11.

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Saturday, May 26, 2012

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Friday, May 25, 2012

Understanding acupuncture | Acupuncture Online School

A traditional medical remedy used by the far east known as acupuncture and uses very small, Clean and sterile and clean needles. The needles are inserted inside points of the
Health. (There are besides that some
Programs, Or substitutions, That avoid the use of needles, Cited later). In the western world, acupuncture is thought of mainly for its power to help with pain. However can
Be used for a range of nerve and musculo-Skeletal issues at the same.
Point choice uses lot of standards, Considering not solely what of each point, But what
They interact with additional factors, And how they usually have an
Effect on your present well being, And also the specific problem you?re being treated for. Each point will be altered using a distinct method, Influenced by your
A variety of needs. There are to add several
General types of therapy, Similar to Wrist and Ankle acupuncture, Hair follicles
acupuncture, Korean Hand remedies, Balance methodology, Auriculotherapy and 5 Element procedures. A complicated
Practitioner will can be used to apply the system that
Most accurately fits your problem, And chose the very best mixture off points and needling techniques within that system.
Some specialty reason for acupuncture are
Raising curiosity such as facial options, Which could be gaining
Momentum as a substitute for surgical treatment.
Current versions of Scalp acupuncture utilized in China are becoming the top remedy for stroke, After the person has been stabilized
Within a medical facility. Stimulation of acupuncture points is done without utilizing needles.
Pressure from hands or mechanical gadgets can be employed, Just like
Electrical pleasure, Heat up, Winter weather, Or laser sun flashrays. Using these options allows the most secret, Or resistant-lost, Visitors to
What does acupuncture feel like? Are the needles hurtful?
Most know needles whereas getting injected or taking blood tests.
acupuncture needles bear little likeness to these. Examples of these are
Much finer and are solid alternate to hollow. Since the needle is put in, The feeling is often spoken of being a tingle or a dull ache. needles are inserted because of a second or two, Perhaps
May be left in spot for 30 minutes or more, Towards the
Effect called for. Relaxation is likely one of the side effects of treatment patients feel. acupuncture normally relieves extra than simply the
Targeted position. Several of the best
Reported finds from acupuncture are feelings of health and fitness, Raised energy, Better the desire for food and a more restful sleep.
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Shareholders sue Facebook, NYSE comes calling

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - The fallout from Facebook Inc's messy initial public offering widened on Wednesday as shareholders sued the social network and its bankers while a trading firm revealed a massive loss on the shares and threatened to seek "remedies."

The Nasdaq stock exchange also came under further pressure as a source close to the situation told Reuters that NYSE Euronext had opened discussions with Facebook about a potential stock listing there. Nasdaq also faces litigation from angry investors.

Facebook's listing, envisioned as a crowning moment for an eight-year-old company that has become a business and cultural phenomenon, has instead turned into a legal and public relations fiasco for the company and its lead underwriter, Morgan Stanley.

Serious trading glitches interfered with the stock's opening on Friday, and subsequent revelations by Reuters that analysts had quietly reduced their revenue forecasts prior to the IPO have led to accusations of selective disclosure of material information. The shares closed at $32 on Wednesday, 15 percent below the IPO price.

A lawsuit filed on Wednesday seeking class-action status alleged that defendants -- including Facebook, its Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs Group Inc and JPMorgan Chase & Co -- concealed "a severe and pronounced reduction" in revenue growth forecasts resulting from greater use of Facebook's app or website through mobile devices.

It also accused Facebook of telling its bank underwriters to "materially lower" their forecasts for the company. The lawsuit said the underwriters disclosed the lowered forecasts to "preferred" investors only.

"The main underwriters in the middle of the roadshow reduced their estimates and didn't tell everyone," said Samuel Rudman, a partner at Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd, which brought the lawsuit. The firm is among the leading securities class actions firms in the country.

"I don't think any investor in Facebook wouldn't have wanted to know that information."

Andrew Noyes, a Facebook spokesman, said: "We believe the lawsuit is without merit and will defend ourselves vigorously."

Morgan Stanley had no comment. It said on Tuesday that Facebook IPO procedures complied with all applicable regulations and were the same as in any initial offering.

Also on Wednesday, Knight Capital Group Inc said its second-quarter results will be hurt by losses related to numerous issues during the listing. The firm, which provides electronic trading services to brokers and retail clients, foresees a pre-tax loss of $30 million to $35 million related to the IPO.

The company has submitted claims for financial compensation from Nasdaq OMX and is considering all legal remedies available, Knight Capital said in a regulatory filing.

Knight Capital's announcement may be a sign of things to come as other traders and investors tally up losses from the trading problems.

Nasdaq OMX was also sued on Tuesday by an investor who claimed the exchange operator was negligent in handling orders for Facebook shares. Morgan Stanley said it is reviewing Facebook trades and would adjust prices for some retail customers who overpaid.

A source familiar with the situation told Reuters that NYSE Euronext had opened discussions with Facebook about a potential stock listing there, and that the social networking giant was considering its options.

The largest U.S. exchange later denied it was discussing a full listing transfer with the company, which became the first U.S. company to debut with a market value of over $100 billion.


Wednesday's lawsuit, one of several that have been filed around the country, was brought in New York on behalf of Dennis Palkon and Brian Roffe, who said they respectively bought 1,800 and 200 Facebook shares at the IPO price, and Jacob Salzmann, who said he paid more than $123,000 on May 18 for 2,961 shares at an average $41.77 each.

Research analysts at several underwriters lowered their forecasts for Facebook after the Menlo Park, California-based company in a May 9 prospectus cautioned investors about the possible impact of users shifting to mobile platforms. Facebook currently makes little revenue from mobile ads.

Citing people with direct knowledge of the matter, Reuters reported this week that, during its IPO road show, Facebook advised analysts for its underwriters to reduce their profit and revenue forecasts.

The lawsuit named underwriters Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan and Bank of America Corp as having cut their forecasts after the May 9 prospectus was filed, but that these cuts were not publicly revealed before the IPO. [ID:nL4E8GM8SK][ID:nL1E8GN0FT]

The plaintiff-shareholders called the disclosures of Facebook's business risks inadequate, saying that analysts knew more about these risks and cut their business outlooks accordingly -- for the benefit of only some investors, not all.

"If Facebook told analysts to materially lower their forecasts, it should have told the entire market," said Antony Page, a professor at the Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law. "We need to know what exactly was said to the analysts, and determine how different Facebook's public story was from its private story."

Regulators including the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, and Massachusetts Secretary of the Commonwealth William Galvin are now looking into how the IPO was handled. The U.S. Senate Banking Committee is also reviewing the matter.

"If Facebook faced a known and particularly salient risk, boilerplate language would be insufficient," said Elizabeth Nowicki, an associate professor at Tulane University Law School and a former SEC lawyer.

Bank of America and Barclays Plc are also defendants in the New York case, as are Facebook Chief Financial Officer David Ebersman and several Facebook directors.

Bank of America spokesman Bill Halldin, Barclays spokesman Mark Lane and Goldman spokesman Michael DuVally declined to comment. JPMorgan did not respond to requests for a comment.

The case is Brian Roffe Profit Sharing Plan et al v. Facebook Inc et al, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York, No. 12-04081.

(Additional reporting by Alistair Barr in San Francisco, and Nadia Damouni and Olivia Oran in New York and Sarah N. Lynch in Washington, D.C.; Editing by Jonathan Weber, Edwin Chan, Martha Graybow and Steve Orlofsky)

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What Is Opt-In Email Marketing? - Internet Marketing Blog 101

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What Is Opt-In Email Marketing?Have you ever wondered what ?opt-in email marketing? is and how it compares to bulk e-mail marketing? Being a ?newbie? to Internet marketing, and likely having limited funds, can leave entrepreneurs feeling lost in terms of marketing and they end up turning to extreme cost saving options like free classifieds and newsgroup sites.

Most marketing experts will tell you that these efforts are not only time consuming, they afford very few results.

Internet marketing experts have compiled countless studies as to why Internet marketing works, as well as the techniques that are proven successful. In addition to the techniques that are proven successful. Studies have also revealed techniques that prove unsuccessful.

If you?re interested in learning more about e-mail marketing help promote your business consider the following information before you decide on a method of advertisement.

First let?s look at the process of sending unsolicited bulk e-mail:

Unsolicited Bulk E-Mail is the practice of sending out huge quantities of e-mail to a massive list of e-mail addresses that remain unverified or qualified. This practice is considered incredibly controversial and in many cases may be against the law.

If you?re considering this marketing tactic for your business; you must be incredibly cautious. Using unverified bulk e-mailing practices to promote your company could put your business and your reputation at risk; not to mention the possibility of huge financial fines and jail.

The appeal of unsolicited email marketing, for many aggressive entrepreneurs, is very dramatic, and it has become incredibly popular because it?s extremely inexpensive. Bulk e-mailing costs much less than standard mailing and is less labor intensive.

Postage costs alone can cut into the profits of a growing company quite dramatically. To offset the costs, many companies will resort to the less expensive route, even though the risk is very high.

Unfortunately, massive bulk e-mail to unsolicited clients is considered in poor taste. In most cases, potential customers will simply ignore your incoming e-mail block your website or have you forwarded to a junk mail folder.

The worst-case scenario would include your company?s website being reported to an Internet service provider resulting in your website being permanently banned from the World Wide Web. The bottom line is this; bulk e-mailing to unsolicited customers simply doesn?t work. It doesn?t get you leads and the risk is far too great.

Now let?s review the practice of direct opt in e-mail marketing:

Opt in direct e-mail is the practice of sending out company e-mail to recipients that have requested contact with your company. It is possible to hire a company that will specialize in direct e-mail in order to promote your company legally, and without the hassles of bulk e-mail to unsolicited customers.

Opt in e-mail marketing services offer you a legitimate way to reach customers who are actually seeking your services.

When it comes down to your bottom line, opt in e-mail marketing is always the way to go. This process may be a bit more time consuming and could potentially be a bit more labor-intensive, but the benefits far outweigh the detriments.

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What Is Opt-In Email Marketing?, 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating

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Thursday, May 24, 2012

U.S. mom with flesh-eating disease remains critical

[ [ [['Connery is an experienced stuntman', 2]], '', '[Slideshow: See photos taken on the way down]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['Connery is an experienced stuntman', 7]], '', '[Slideshow: Death-defying daredevils]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['know that we have confidence in', 3]], ' ', '[Related: The Secret Service guide to Cartagena]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['We picked up this other dog and', 5]], '', '[Related: 8 common dog fears, how to calm them]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['accused of running a fake hepatitis B', 5]], '', '[Related: Did WH share raid details with filmmakers?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['accused of running a fake hepatitis B', 3]], '', '[Factbox: AQAP, al-Qaeda in Yemen]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have my contacts on or glasses', 3]], '', '[Related: Should the murder charge be dropped?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have made this nation great as Sarah Palin', 5]], '', '[Related: Bristol Palin reality show debuts June 19]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have made this nation great as Sarah Palin', 1]], '', '[Related: McCain adviser who vetted Palin weighs in on VP race]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['A JetBlue flight from New York to Las Vegas', 3]], '', '[Related: View photos of the JetBlue plane in Amarillo]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['the 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who shot and killed', 15]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP', ], [ [['Titanic', 7]], '', ' ', '', '550', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['He was in shock and still strapped to his seat', 6]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP', ], [ [['xxxxxxxxxxxx', 11]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP', ] ]

[ [ [['did not go as far his colleague', 8]], '29438204', '0' ], [ [[' the 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who shot and killed', 4]], '28924649', '0' ], [ [['because I know God protects me', 14], ['Brian Snow was at a nearby credit union', 5]], '28811216', '0' ], [ [['The state news agency RIA-Novosti quoted Rosaviatsiya', 6]], '28805461', '0' ], [ [['measure all but certain to fail in the face of bipartisan', 4]], '28771014', '0' ], [ [['matter what you do in this case', 5]], '28759848', '0' ], [ [['presume laws are constitutional', 7]], '28747556', '0' ], [ [['has destroyed 15 to 25 houses', 7]], '28744868', '0' ], [ [['short answer is yes', 7]], '28746030', '0' ], [ [['opportunity to tell the real story', 7]], '28731764', '0' ], [ [['entirely respectable way to put off the searing constitutional controversy', 7]], '28723797', '0' ], [ [['point of my campaign is that big ideas matter', 9]], '28712293', '0' ], [ [['As the standoff dragged into a second day', 7]], '28687424', '0' ], [ [['French police stepped up the search', 17]], '28667224', '0' ], [ [['Seeking to elevate his candidacy back to a general', 8]], '28660934', '0' ], [ [['The tragic story of Trayvon Martin', 4]], '28647343', '0' ], [ [['Karzai will get a chance soon to express', 8]], '28630306', '0' ], [ [['powerful storms stretching', 8]], '28493546', '0' ], [ [['basic norm that death is private', 6]], '28413590', '0' ], [ [['songwriter also saw a surge in sales for her debut album', 6]], '28413590', '1', 'Watch music videos from Whitney Houston ', 'on Yahoo! Music', '' ], [ [['keyword', 99999999999999999999999]], 'videoID', '1', 'overwrite-pre-description', 'overwrite-link-string', 'overwrite-link-url' ] ]

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