Saturday, December 17, 2011

A touch of mob-business, anyone?

This idea just came to me. It's nothing particularly new, but eh, whatever. It involves a character of mine that I dearly love and have been meaning to bring back into play.

My character, Tristan, had something of a strange upbringing. Not bad, in his eyes, just...different than American culture. As he got older, his luck turned a bit and he found himself wanting to get away from his home nation, Reidan (an extremely small country that few people but those who are particularly interested in geography have really heard of) and decided to try his luck in the states. He had nothing, so he quickly found himself desperate. The man was picked up by some sort of crime group (mob, cartel, whatever) and they learned he had some military background. They discovered he was a good shot and hired him on as an assassin. Tristan started to get used to his new job, began to shield himself from others and never get attached to anyone, but soon he found he couldn't take the pressures and strains of his job. He hated it. But the mob won't let him go--why let such a smooth operator slip away? Tristan believes he's forever caught in their web until he meets someone (of a non specific gender--doesn't matter, nor does it matter who they are (perhaps they're a citizen, or maybe they're involved too?)) and, almost on accident, befriends them. He starts to trust them and finally reveals what he does for a living. The friend recognizes Tristan's desire to get out and encourages him to break free. The mob won't have it.

You must be an advanced writer for this roleplay. Straight up. Know your grammar, own your character and make it real. Give them some depth and contribute to the plot. And give me some substance in your writing. One paragraph just doesn't cut it.

I don't care what gender you play. I'm thinking this will be either a 1x1 or a three way thread (only if someone feels like they want to play the mob boss or something, otherwise let's keep it to just a 1x1).

Post often please, but I don't expect a post every day. I know I'm busy with school come January and can't always post every day. Once or twice a week is perfectly acceptable.

I'm open to any ideas and suggestions as well. Let me know if you're interested.


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